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the plot

"Mom?" Kion asked gingerly as he strolled further into the cavern.

Nala looked up, eyes heavy with tiredness, but gave a soft smile upon seeing her son. "Kion. Come in."

"Tiffu said you wanted to see me?"

Nala nodded. "Yes. Your father mentioned the other day that he... told you about Rani?"

Kion frowned. "Rani?"

The queen pushed herself up into a sitting position, chuckling. "Your wife-to-be?"

Kion's eyes widened. "That's her name? I was wondering."

"Your father didn't even tell you that?"

"No," Kion scoffed. It had been a little over a week since then and Kion had done his best to avoid any further conversation about his future. It seemed, however, as though he had just walked into a trap.

Just as the months had taken their toll on his father, they had taken their toll on his mother as well. Her nose was greying and her eyes were dull, heavy with experiences Kion could not understand. He may have lost his sister, but Nala had lost her daughter - it was another thing entirely.

And yet, it wasn't just that which made Nala's shoulders sag with grief.

Kion knew very little about his mother's life before he and Kiara were born. He knew she was born in the Pride Lands and that his parents were friends before Scar's betrayal. He knew that she was raised in Scar's dark regime until she had had enough and went to find help; help that she found in Simba. Other than that... Kion knew nothing. He wondered briefly what her life was like during Scar's reign... what horrors she saw.

His thoughts were interrupted by his mother pushing herself to stand. She wobbled for a second, and Kion reached to catch her, but she managed to balance herself, letting out a humourless chuckle. "I'm fine, Kion," she said. Kion's eyebrow rose; he was unconvinced.

She led the way outside, stopping at the edge of Pride Rock and looked over the kingdom as the midday sun stretched out over the savanah. She gestured to the open spot beside her. Kion sat.

"Don't be angry at your father," she said after a long pause. "He's trying his best."

Kion let out a sigh. "I know, but so am I. Doesn't he realize that?"

"He does," Nala promised. "He understands grief, Kion, as do I."

The young prince winced, remembering his father's dark past. "True. Still, it feels like he is constantly bearing down on me with expectations and lessons and- endless nonsense! I can't even fulfill my duties as the leader of the Lion Guard because-" 

"I understand that you're frustrated, Kion," Nala said gently, cutting off his rant, "but you must also consider that you are all that the Pride Lands has left. With your brother and sister gone, the throne has fallen to you. It's a big responsibility, and not one you should take lightly."

"I know, Mom," Kion sighed. "I just wish... that things never changed."

His mother let out a tired sigh, nodding. "So do I, son."

There was another silence, during which Nala leaned into Kion's shoulder, yawning. Everyone knew that much had changed over the last four months, and Kion's physique was just another thing on the list: he had started to grow into a bright red man and he had shot up in height, now taller than his mother and only slightly shorter than his father. He had even grown into his paws, which were too large for him only a few months ago - Kiara and her friends used to tease him about it nonstop.

Heavy is the Head [Kion] ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now