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history repeats itself

Kion found Vitani where he had left her at the border earlier that afternoon: the Crocodile River. It had only grown more dangerous since his cubhood, filled with exiled crocs and caimans who would rather see him dead. The list seemed to be growing far too quickly.

"How'd it go?" Vitani asked, brows furrowing in genuine concern as he approached.

Kion sighed, then smirked.


"Kion, you're insane!" Rani cried. "You're Simba's heir! You cannot sacrifice yourself!"

"It won't be a sacrifice if I win," Kion said quickly.

"There's no guarantee," Rani said sharply, her glare leaving an icy feeling on the back of his neck.

"And that's why I have you," Kion replied, locking eyes with her. Rani's brows furrowed in confusion. Kion sighed, standing up. "Rani... if I don't make it back, I need you to take the throne in my place."


"Promise me."

Rani's lip curled in response.

Kion sighed, hanging his head. "You're right, Rani. I am the last heir my parents have. If I don't survive this... I watched what happened to them when Kiara died and— my point is," Kion huffed, "that the Pride Lands need an heir. You're the perfect fit."

It has to be believable, Vitani had said. Kovu has spies everywhere, just like Zira did.

Rani sighed, shaking her head. Her eyes glistened. "Fine, I promise, just... don't be an idiot, okay? I can't walk down the isle with a dead man."

Kion's heart fluttered, but he pushed the feeling down. Now was not the time.

Swallowing thickly, Kion turned towards the cavern entrance. He had so much to do and so little time, but the conversation felt unfinished.

He glanced over his shoulder at Rani, who was glaring at her paws. "Thank you," he whispered.

Her head snapped up. "For what?"

Kion smiled shyly. "For being yourself."

Their eyes locked, and they locked for too long. Grudgingly, Kion ripped his eyes away. He had a job to do.

Pride Rock seemed normal. Of course, no one knew what was happening yet. The lionesses conversed as though they had all the time in the world. Cubs rolled and played without a care. Even his mother and father were calm —or as calm as they could be lately— resting together beneath a tree at the base of Pride Rock. When Nala spotted him, her eyes shone with glee. "Kion! Where are you off to at this time? It's almost dark."

Kion forced a smile. He hated lying to them, especially when so much could go wrong. So much was at stake. "Just a walk to the waterhole," he said smoothly, "I'll be back soon."

His father eyed him suspiciously, but eventually nodded and lay back down, Nala following suit. Kion walked into the field undisturbed.

He noticed, as he walked, that the Pride Lands were calm. There was always something happening, whether it be a monkey brawl or a rockslide, but tonight was different. The wind rustled gently and the birds sang their goodnight songs, and Kion was sure he could hear Kiara's laughter whistling through the leaves.

He knew she was with him.

He sighed lightly as the wind rustled his mane. "Let's go knock some sense into your boyfriend."

Heavy is the Head [Kion] ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now