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path of horror

"Kion, are you listening to me?"

The Crown Prince tore his eyes away, blinking back to reality, and came face to face with his father's skeptic grin and Vitani's smirk. He blushed sheepishly. "Sorry. What did you say?"

Simba shook his head, mane ruffling with the movement. "If you would stop looking at Rani for five minutes, I'm trying to tell you about the season cycle."

Kion could feel his face heat up. He resisted the urge to glance back at Rani where she sat with Nala at the waterhole. Her fur glimmered in the sunlight like freshly fallen cocoa seeds. He ripped his gaze away again and cleared his throat. "Y-yeah. Seasons."

Beside him, Vitani chuckled, her own eyes sparkling with humor. Over the weeks she had been living there, Kion had grown accustomed to her presence and to her advice. Not many animals trusted her yet, but Kion could say that he did.

Simba sighed in exasperation and led them away from the waterhole towards the hunting grounds, hoping to find some privacy.

"Why don't you just ask her out, you bozo?" Vitani asked, bumping his shoulder playfully.

"W-what? No!"

She rolled her eyes. "It's obvious you have actual feelings for her. Why not do it properly?"

"Do what?" He stammered, face heating up once more. "There's nothing to do!"

"Idiot," Vitani murmured. "You're getting married anyway! Might as well be a good life, right?"

"Tani I can't!" Kion burst out. Simba cast a glance back at them over his shoulder. "I- Rani and I came to an understanding when she first got here: this marriage is strictly business. Besides, I don't have the place in my head for—"

"You're just making up excuses, Kion," Vitani snapped, almost annoyed. "I'm telling you this from experience, okay? I didn't tell someone that I loved him and- and I never got the chance."

Kion swallowed thickly, looking away. "Sorry," he said.

Vitani shook her head. "Just do it, okay? Promise?"

Voice trembling, Kion nodded, "Y-yeah. Promise."

"Kion! Vitani! Come on!"



Okay, the plan was simple:

1) Ask Rani to go on a walk with him through the fields.

2) Assuming she agrees, lead her to the top of Nyota's Hill.

3) Tell her.

Simple, right?


Kion took a deep breath. The sun was setting and the pride had just finished eating. It was the perfect type of calm and colorful for him... for them.


Kion approached cautiously. Rani was far too caught up in her conversation with Fuli to notice him behind her until Fuli stopped mid-sentence. "Kion?"

Rani turned, a smile lighting up her face. "Kion! Where've you been? I haven't seen you all day!"

"Uh— l-lessons, with my dad," he stammered. "I, uh—"

"Is everything okay?" Rani asked, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Y-yeah! Why wouldn't be?"

"Maybe because you look like you're going to fall over?" Fuli said sarcastically, a smirk on her face.

Heavy is the Head [Kion] ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now