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proclamation of war

A few days had passed since the arrival of Queen Rani and Prince Baylio. The Pride Lands had rejoiced in a new sense of happiness and belonging and seemed to have finally come to terms with the passing of their princess— for the most part at least.

Kion felt differently. He was still drowning in guilt and grief. How could anyone feel anything else? It felt like a betrayal to his sister's name; having a party, a celebration, for he and Rani whilst Kiara was... gone.

He thought he had come to terms with it.
Apparently he was wrong.

The party was in celebration of the unification of the Tree of Life and the Pride Lands. According to Rafiki, the lands had once been close allies before drifting apart due to the distance between them. Now there would be strength— the Outlanders would never threaten them again. For the celebration, Pride Rock had been beautifully decorated with the last branches and flowers of the season; summer was coming to an end, with autumn's brown leaves already taking summer's place. Ironic, really. Music was being played by a band of monkeys, their drums coconuts and their drumsticks... well, sticks. It was a glorious celebration of peace and harmony, something which both lands had struggled to achieve. Kion still could not find it within himself to enjoy it.

"Kion! Come and dance!" Zuri cheered from the dance floor where she and Tiffu were entertaining Rani and Baylio. Over the last few days, Zuri and Tiffu had quickly adopted Rani into their duo. It was another thing that felt so wrong about this arranged marriage.

Rani was replacing Kiara. Everyone knew it despite no one daring to admit it.

He looked at Zuri over his shoulder, offering her a smile and a shake of his head before turning to gaze out at the dark lands once more. That was another thing bothering him tonight: something was off. He could feel it in his gut.

Apparently Fuli could feel it too. She stood at the base of Pride Rock, just under his watchful gaze, staring out at the lands as Kion did. By her stance, she was on high alert.

"Fan out," Kion heard Fuli say to the Lion Guard, who dutifully did as she said. Bunga and Beshte moved around Pride Rock, flanking the sides, while Ono took off into the air, circling, and waved to Kion.

"It's a lovely evening," Rani's voice said suddenly, startling Kion.

He let out an exasperated gasp. "Don't scare me like that!"

Rani chuckled. "Sorry. I promise, I wasn't trying to. So... why aren't you out enjoying the party?"

Kion shrugged and sighed. "I'm just... not in the right frame of mind."

Rani nodded, sitting beside him. "I understand."

The two fell into a surprisingly comfortable silence. They hadn't spent all that much time together after the first day, mostly because Kion took every opportunity he could to stay away from her— even if it meant listening to his father ramble on about the Circle of Life for an extra hour after his kingly training.

"So," Rani continued after a long moment, "we'll be married soon."

That, too, was bothering Kion.

The date had been set for the end of autumn. It was an odd date but, Kion supposed, it was too necessary to secure the Pride Land's future to wait until next spring.

How lucky for him.

He glanced at Rani and nodded. "Yes, it's... unreal."

"It is, isn't it?" Rani said. She sighed softly. "It'll be good. For the lands, I mean."

Heavy is the Head [Kion] ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now