chapter 3

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One thing you learned in two weeks of knowing yoongi was that all you would recieve from him as answer are just grunts and nods, maybe if you used some pixie dust and neverlands luck you could get him to speak.

How did you ended up getting engaged to him again? Yeah the mother fucker had the nerve to still say yes after you quite shamelessly layed out to him that you wanted to see if his dick was just how jimin made you fantasies. To say that you were shocked would be wrong, you should have expected it yoongi knew the hidden motive he knew what you were trying to do, you knew because it was fun being the overly chattering one to see right through people's intention.

You weren't mad though if anything it was much more interesting , yoongi was a sport you wanted to play, it was like a personal mission for you to see just how many buttons you could push before he would combust, your inner brat liked this, god you have been craving for some challenge for as long as you could remember and this was exactly the opportunity you had been looking for.

You had heard enough about him to know just how he was viewed by people the stoic no joke man who talked only buisness beside that people doubt if he really knew emotions, you didn't though you have been constantly taking every chance to get under his skin make him flustered or atleast annoyed but yoongi has heck too much patience and you Don't.

This is why you couldn't handle seeing him stare at some women across the room who was wait who was she? and why was she even here?, you didn't give a fuck about her but why was yoongi looking at her like that?
That look of pure attraction, Don't tell he was thinking of hooking up with her.

Ofcourse you knew he wasn't a Saint, he obviously had experience and you weren't an ignorant person, you knew a man had experience when you saw one. perks of having three idiotic handsome best friends, "you know if you keep staring like that he will sense your jealousy." Jungkook's voice sounded amused so amused that it made your body feel like a rocket with just how raged you were, you couldn't possibly consider culpable homicide in a room filled with so many namely people ranging from celebs, buisness to actors.

Why were you here though?, Why did you had to accept that damn invitation?,was a night away from that darn house you called home really that tempting?, or was it the fact that your parents still were being extremely edgy with your wedding date set within a month, wedding huh you would have scoffed if you weren't glaring so hard at your best friend.

Your betrothed didn't have time to come say hi to you, stupid arrogant cocky smug hot asshole, if you didn't liked playing around with him so much you sure would have murdered him by now.

"I have the right to be jealous." You reasoned sounding like a child who was about to start whining while stomping her foot just because she wasn't getting attention, who are we kidding you never had attention even when you were a kid maybe that is why it was burning your inside, a gasp sounding from your other side made you sigh dramatically, "did you just admit you like him?" Taehyung was the one who snickered from behind when Jimin sang out the question a little too loud that it made a few people look at you all.


Gossip news: y/n likes her husband to be who was supposed to be an arranged one, is it a love match?

You glared at your said friend lips turned up in a tight smile, "no I don't but he is supposedly my betrothed so I have every single right to be jealous." You argued shrugging, Tae patted your back coming to stand beside you pushing jimin to the side only to make you smile while jimin whined like the little spoiled brat he was.

"Want some cupcakes jelly beans?" Taehyung was always the one to comfort you, if he even teased you it would never go to the point that you would get riled up, jimin on the other hand loved pissing you to the point that you wanted to choke slam him, jungkook was the mix of both but mostly he was the caring one.

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