chapter 7

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.He didn't say anything the whole way to his car neither did he say anything when he helped you into the passenger seat and helped you buckle up trying his best not to let his mind wander at the fact that you were so close that he could smell the alcohol infused with your damn coffee vanilla scent, if he gets his hand on which brand of perfumes you use he would make sure to buy it and make sure that it was only you who could smell like that.

"Are we going for a drive?" You questioned excited when yoongi started to drive finally your alcohol driven brain registered that you weren't anymore in Jungkook's pent house but in yoongi's rather luxurious car, yoongi just sighed smiling softly at the fact how you looked even more younger now that you were drunk.

"We are going home love." Yoongi informed keeping his eyes fixed on the Road not seeing how your face dropped, you went silent your alcohol brain going into a whole turbulence over the word home, it was only when yoongi realised that you had been silent far too long for being you, did he turned his eyes in your direction to see the way you were biting your lower lip trying to stopping them from quivering, his whole body tensed when he saw the sorrow on your face.

"Hey y/n what's wrong?" He kept his voice gentle to not scare you further his hands coming to grab yours and give it a little squeeze that was all it took for you to break into sobs your hands moving to your face to hide your face totally forgetting that yoongi had one of yours hands in his now it was wet with your breamed tears.

"I don't wanna go home." Your muffled cracked voice sounding even more small because of how much you were crying it made yoongi's heart feel twisted in pain, he looked away at the road sighing trying to find words to comfort you. Yoongi was never good with feelings and comforting others wasn't something he would ever master on but he had to try atleast there something that he could do for you considering he had first hand experience inthe outcome of toxic parenting.

It's so hard to deal with toxic parenting when people don't seem to understand in what sense the toxicity exist, different people bring in different opnion and most people try to wave the toxicity off with the reasoning of rebellious children, yoongi knows what it is like to feel like a failure, to not be good enough even for the people that brought you into this world to consider you enough, he knows that it is in all actuality the mistake of parents but it's far easier to blame maturing minds than those minds that have attained maturity according to society no matter how toxic and bullshitty they are, yoongi's heart teared at the sound of yours sobs, he made a promise to himself that starting today you won't be subject to this, he will never allow that, you are his starting today (doesn't matters that you are still to exchange vows) and he will make sure that no one and no one has the right to say anything mean to you.

Yoongi was so lost in his thought that He didn't see it coming the sound of the clicking of the door lock made his eyes widened and he whipped his head in your direction so quick that it would have gave him whiplash, "y/n! what are you doing?!" Yoongi yelled placing a hand at your torso to keep you flushed against the seat while he brought the car to a rather sudden halt feeling thankful for having you buckled up and for reacting quickly, a second late and you could have opened that damn door and God help him had you been harmed while under his watch.

"I don't wanna go home." You mumbled head hanging down with embarrassment or whatever it was your drunken brain was registering, a exasperated sigh sounded from yoongi his one hand still firmly pressed against your torso and the other he was using to rack through his hairs.

"That doesn't mean you jump out of a moving car." He scolded letting his tone raise at you for the first time, his heart was in his throat he could feel the pounding just what were you thinking, his eyes were dark and hard on your figure, his breathe a little raged at your stupid act, you could have hurt yourself, yoongi was sure that if he had a list on things not to let you do drinking would make the top of it. (In bold letter with exclamation marks for emphasis.)

He bit his inner bottom lip when you flinch at the slight raise of his tone instant guilt hitting him, this is why he didn't wanted to raise his voice at you, this is what he feared, he feared seeing just how bad were you traumatised, he didn't like the fact that you were starting to take a toll on him, gosh the way he wanted to confront your parents the way he wanted to make you sit back and listen to just how absolutely divine you were.

Wait..was he..okay now wasn't the time to confront emotions not when you were a flight risk, he took in a few deep breathes eyes still fixed on your figure, it was when he knew that he was in control enough to talk to you he finally decided to speak. "I am not gonna take you to your parents, I am taking you to my apartment it is your house starting today anyways." He made sure he was as soft spoken and gentle as he could be with being sleep deprived, jealous attacks and a random almost suicide attempt by a drunk you.

Your eyes flew to meet his right when he stopped talking your lower lip jutted out still trembling a little while your small sniffs filled the silence, you didn't say anything just stayed silent nodding before turning back to look ahead of you, yoongi watched you with a perplexed expression not sure if he could trust you to do that whole stupidity again with just how out of your mind you were at the moment, finding no definite answer and not wanting to risk your safety he did the one thing he knew was a terrible idea. (In his mind it wasn't but he is too stubborn to admit that.)

He snorted closing his eyes and fisting his hands tight his jaw clenched trying to summon even single ounce of resistance he could before opening his eyes and unbuckling his seatbelt followed by him leaned in towards you and proceeding to undo your seat belt which was accompanied by him pulling back a little so that he could pick you up from yours seat, his one hands going behind your back to hold you and the other slipping beneath yours knees.

You just sat there smiling looking at how perfectly flawless model like skin he had now that you looked from this close, hands itching to just move forward and touch his cheeks but stopping yourself because of how he had scolded you a moment earlier, a squeak left your mouth when he picked you up effortlessly and situated you both on the driver seat your legs dangling on one side while your were seated on his lap, his one arm encircled around your waist the other placing your head on his chest so that he could drive without any issues. (Not because he wanted to)

"Stay still." He instructed voice strained, trying to deny that fact that you felt so good against him, " I can for a life time." You mumbled flirting even in that hazed out state making yoongi roll his eyes while he didn't hide the smile that tugged the corner of his lips. Your hands reaching up to poke his cheeks giggling at the softness of his cheeks, yoongi tried hard to not smile at how warm and fuzzy his inside felt at the site of you like this, yoongi wouldn't admit but he agreed with you statement from moments earlier, he could stay like this for a lifetime.

You were snuggled up against him mumbling something or the other trying to be a smart mouth even in this wasted state, yoongi couldn't deny how he could feel desire growing within his viens at how your lips kept moving against his clothed chest, he tried hard to restrain himself, his hand that was wrapped around your waist was rubbing soothing circles anything to just relieve the growing uneasy he put himself in, his other hand holding the steering wheel so tight his knuckles had turned even more white. This night has to be one of the craziest one, His limits were being tested in all possible ways and who was responsible, you a rather drunk you who had no idea what you were actually doing.

You were totally oblivious to the way you were making him feel, totally zoned out to give a shit as you lazily hummed drawing patterns on his chest, you were being a torture yoongi had to use all his self restrain to not do something about it, he couldn't help cursing the idiot three for the state you were in, finding it obnoxious that they let you be this way.

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