chapter 5

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.Isn't it common for people to get cold feet a day before their marriage?, but what about when you Don't even know why you are getting married?, or what about when you are not sure what you feel for your partner ?, yoongi always had one rule, if feelings get overwhelming, sleep. He didn't like the anxiety and many might think he doesn't feels a thing but he does.

So to counter that yoongi opted to sleep, he was supposed to get a good amount of sleep before facing the dreaded day, now supposed to and did are different for a reason and we all know when one is to be married with a spoiled troublemaker they must stay on there toes at all given times, poor yoongi didn't though.

A groan escaped his lips at the sound of his phone going off again and again, he rolled on his bed looking at the digital alarm clock beside his bed.

02:00 a.m.

A sigh escaped yoongi's lips as he braced himself to listen to you speak about some weird ass theory over Bermuda triangle or whatever it is you decided is a worthy topic for today, sliding the answer button he brought the phone to his ear to speak only for his mouth to stop half agape when the sounds from other side made his eyebrows furrow.

The sound of you giggling along with the muffled voices probably arguing and wait..was that a dog barking ?, where the heck were you?, yoongi felt a surge of nerves blasting through his veins at the possibilities that outlined this situation.

"Where are you y/n?" Yoongi tried to keep the panic or irritation out of his voice, you were supposed to be home right now, he knew your parents didn't let you move out of their house because of the very said title you carry around, now the question was how were you not home and somewhere out with God knows who.

".where am I?.." the sound of your probably drunk giggles followed your slurred words making yoongi even more frustrated, his one hand flew to his forehead to massage a starting ache down while he tried to digest the fact that you were drunk too, the muffled voices from behind you became more clear, probably a bantering about what you guys should eat.

Yoongi recognised the voice it was none other than the troubling trio, "are you with the guys?" Yoongi tried to gain your attention who was humming and whining for reasons entirely unknown to him (pineapple pizza wasn't exactly a good take out option), "yes!..OMG HOW DID YOU KNOW!" He had to pull his face a good distance away from his phone, damn why were you shouting at freaking 2 in the morning, yoongi couldn't help but grit his teeths in anger, great you were out with males so late at night.

Yoongi could feel the acidic burn of jealousy in the pit of his stomach and why shouldn't he be?, those idiots let you drink such late at night and yoongi knew you weren't good with alcohol, you rarely drank and you were extremely an honest,clumsy drinker, your words not his.

"You should be home right now." Yoongi gritted out not trying to keep his calm with how far gone you sounded, "come on yoongi it's my wedding tomorrow let me be a free bird." You whined obviously pouting at his words, yoongi could already see you pouting in his mind looking hazed and wasted. That image didn't help if anything it made the acidic feeling burn brighter.

"Come on sweets leave your damn husband to be alone for one night." It was probably jungkook yes even he sounded a little drunk but was still better than you, yoongi could hear the other two morons snickering at Jungkook's words while you grumbled, "jk's right jelly beans tonight you are ours." You might have missed the flirty tone in taehyung's tone because you were drunk (or clearly used to it) but yoongi wasn't and he didn't liked the fact that they were flirting with his wife while he had to sit back and listen to you giggling and laughing like a fucking giddy teenager.

"Y/n send me the location now." Yoongi demanded his voice dropping down a few octaves to make sure that you knew there was no room for arguments, he could hear you whining the sound making him want to scoff, even drunk you are bratty, "babes where are we?" Your voice sounded hazy like you were close to dozing off, yoongi raised an eyebrow in amusement his face morphing between frustration and amused, did you just call one of those idiots baby??

"We are at kookie's troubled paradise, just how many drinks did you let her have Tae?" Jimin was trying to scold Tae but if anything his voice sounded smug and amused no traces of any concern or worry lacing his tone, if yoongi gritted his teeth with a little more force he could turn his teeth into powder. It wasn't that yoongi didn't trust your friends, he knew they wouldn't harm you intentionally but they were all drunk and let's just say yoongi didn't wanted to see you getting to close to anyone of them in that hazy state of yours.

"Don't leave I am coming to get you." Yoongi had to be calm he reminded himself you were probably not going to remember anything you did or said but that just increased the risk of you being reckless a hundred percent more, he could hear the men groaning on the other end probably hearing yoongi's command, wait he was on speaker?, just what kinda drunk are you?!

"This is not fair sweets, we wanted to give you a proper goodbye single life party."

"Exactly jelly beans we are just getting started remember we decided on three D's for the night."

"Drink, Dumplings and Dick Sweets you can't add ditch in the list."

Yoongi's steps halted just inches away from touching the floor, Dumplings and what?, dick??, they were trying to get you laid?, and that to a night before your wedding??(not exactly even a night before), if yoongi was feeling jealous before he was now God knows what, pictures of you flashed in his mind in a rather compromising position.

"Sorry yoongi I am not coming with you." Like heck you wouldn't, yoongi didn't had to think when he left his room letting the door swings open with a lot more force than was needed, snatching his keys from the stand next to his television set. All the while you were busy giggling at the idiots cheering, what was wrong with you all.

"Woah that's like our girl now should we decide whose d you are taking first."

Okay that has to be the last straw, yoongi swears that if he found you sitting even close to one of them he was going to commence an offence unforgivable by law, and you had the nerve to hum like you were really giving it a thought, "I don't know, you All are hot." Yoongi couldn't help punching the wall on his way out, shutting the door to his apartment with a loud thud (thankfully the complex has sound proof walls.)

"Y/n!" There was a barking tone in his voice, jaw clenched tight while he could hear you giggle not realising just how far you had pushed his button, he knew you had been trying to do this for sometime now and congratulation to you, you just succeeded.

"Whaat ?! yoongi caan't you see wait let me rephrrase thaat can't you heaar wee we are tryying to haave a important discussion, so shhh." Why were you pushing his buttons even more?, was it a prank or something?, Why would you want to make yoongi pissed so much that he would have to hold himself back from breaking a few glasses or doors maybe (as hot as that would be.).

Yoongi remember the ten second rule he made for everytime his anger got the best of him, just take in deep breathes hold it in count till ten and then.."maybe we could do a foursome."

You know what?, fuck it! Yoongi would rather just smash some glasses or maybe throw hands with whoever he makes eye contact with on his way to you, "y/n! I am gonna say this the last time don't you dare to more even a finger from where you are sitting, if I find anyone and I say anyone within 5 meter radius of you, I swear I am gonna kill them with my bare hands and the blame would be on you."

Yoongi detonated growling like a mad man (not raising his voice might I add) not caring if you were drunk or weren't able to register his words in proper sense, he was going to engraved them on your mind when he gets to you. He would make sure you remember not to test him again.

You didn't reply scoffing at his biting tone he would keep note of that, later he would make it up to you for that but right now all he needed was you to sit back and listen to him.

"You don't even know the address yoongi." There was a drunk innocent giggly smug in your comment, yoongi couldn't help the evil smirk that turned his lips, "oh love how innocent you are." There was sarcasm dripping from his tone as he made his way to his car, yoongi wasn't stupid you were going to be his wife (clearly not because he was interested in you) and he needed to know just whom you hanged out with and if they possessed any danger to you or where to find you incase he needed.

You gave him a questioning hum in response clearly out of your wits to understand his comment, "I am on my way y/n stay put." Yoongi instructed turning on the ignition before hitting the gas.

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