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Authors Note:

Thank you all for choosing to read my little spark of inspiration from this movie. I do not own the rights to the movie, but I do own my character Euphina Wyrms and the slight altercation of the story. I hope my random daydreaming inspiration entertains you lovely readers.



Our Story begins in our modern day world, in the home of our protagonist Euphina Wyrms. A peculiar name meaning a blessed dragon. Her mother always detracted her queries to her non-existent love-life. Apparently she should be out in the social world, finding a way to secure wealth and power. "Always rise to the top, with whatever it takes", she always reminds Euphina. Her mother's meddlesome and overbearing nature always creates an uncomfortable rift between them, with her mother pushing her to make mindless connections with affluent people her age. While she rather pursue meaningful connections between those similar to her. Her fear and anxiety always laying dormant, awaiting to creep up on her anytime she decides to create those 'connections', which ruins her chances every time she tries. This was mainly due to her little secret, a dangerous secret at that. 

However, deciding to live separate to her mother's 'exciting' life, much to her mother's dismay, she buried her whole being into her studies. Her dream to invent exciting gadgets and gizmos evoked wonder and curiosity in the young woman. Her room littered with papers filled with calculations and rough sketches of her brilliant ideas. She was the young prodigy in her town, the genius after her deceased father. She never had a chance to meet her father as he passed on shortly after her first birthday. Despite being the spitting image of her mother, she took after her father's personality. Perhaps that's why her mother despised her.

Shaking these pondering thoughts, Euphina concentrated her mind to the spell she was practicing. That's right spell.

 You see she posses powerful, ancient powers. Her ability to create anything imaginable places a great burden as she was not properly trained. It seems as if this power was not from her mother, which means it has been passed down by her father's family. However, she kept it a secret from everyone she knew due to the risk of being tested on by power hungry scientists. She managed to reveal her powers to her aunt Iris, her closest relative at the age of eleven. It was revealed that she indeed had powers, as Euphina figured. With the help of her master aunt, she grew up learning all there is to casting spells and summoning anything her imagination craves. However, due to her logical mind, it became very clear that magic was not her strong suit and she did not excel in this area, much to her dismay. But she was improving quickly, with the help of her aunt of course. And by the age of 17, she mastered all and graduated her armature years as a novice 'magician' and became a full fledged 'protector' in her aunt's words, whatever that meant.

It was the day before her eighteenth birthday. The day before her debut into high society as an adult, a 'proper woman'. The dread pooled at the pit of her stomach, creating nauseous waves over Euphina. She was reluctant to attend the massive party her mother would be throwing. Not wanting to mingle with the was-like faces, perfectly curated masks with snakes and foxes lurking beneath them. The migraines resurfaced her mind as she laid perfectly still, bedridden. Bored out of her mind, Euphina reached for her laptop to select a movie to watch. Her scrolling halted at a peculiar movie title, 'Red Shoes and The Seven Dwarfs'. The movie itched her brain, the familiarity lingering on the tip of her tongue. Bothered by these feelings, she pressed on the title, shifting her body to lie on her stomach with the laptop in front of her. 

As the movie progressed, her eyelids grew heavier and heavier. Flittering shut every minute or so, fighting to stay awake. At last she gave in to the tiredness and rested her head onto her hands, giving way to her mind to drift of to dreamland. What she failed to notice was the magical ropes of light wrapping themselves around her body, lifting her and pulling her into the screen. As soon as she disappeared from the modern world, her laptop slammed shut as her mother waltzed into her room.

"Euphina! Where did that girl go? Euphina!! You need to get ready or else you won't have enough time. Stop being silly and come out! Euphina!" Her mother shouted, searching for her daughter. "When I find that girl, she will be in trouble. And on her birthday of all days."

Unbeknown to either of them, Euphina was about to embark on the best adventure yet. 

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