Arrival to an unfamiliar realm

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A soft itchy feeling flooded my hands and my legs, my nose tickled by flowers. The warmth light fills my body and blinds me through my eyelids. The birds' melodious song reached my ears. Wait birds? I fluttered my eyes open, bringing a hand up to my face to cover them from the blinding light. That's when whispers of chatter reached my eyes, riding the soft waves of wind. Adjusting to the sun, I looked at my surroundings. It seemed as if I was in a huge garden, every inch filled with all sorts of trees, ones I don't recognise and ones I do. The path littered with every colour imaginable from the trees with blossoming fruit flowers.

The faint whisper of chatter reached my ear, seemingly coming from a... maze? 'A maze made out of rose bushes? Remarkable! I have never seen a maze like this' I thought, admiring the aromatic flowers blooming in the magnificent sun. The maze was quite large as well, towering me like Big Ben from one of my recent visits to Great Britain. Reaching out to softly graze the flower closest to me, I had a glimpse of my hand. 'It's small?' I questioned, looking at my hand bewildered. It was a bit chubby and smaller than my actual body. It was as if I returned to my twelve year old body. 'I couldn't have! Could I?' . I thought, as I shifted my gaze down to my body.

My outfit has changed! Instead of my grey sweatpants and oversized jumper, I wore an outfit fit for royalty. The velvet teal bodice adorned with gold details and a white silk cloth hugged my upper body comfortably, with a silk see-through sleeve placed on my right arm. The other arm was donned with gold bands and bracelets similar to ones I once wore when I attended an Indian wedding from my father's side. My lower body fitted into a maroon velvet pant-like tunic that reaches my calf midway adorned with gold patterns similar to the bodice. A white silk embroidered with gold thread tucked into my pants, with a maroon silk sash embroidered with a teal border wrapped around my hip, knotted neatly to the left of my body. My hair was loose and curly, out of its messy knotted bun.

"How could I have not noticed this very prominent change?" I whisper-yelled at myself while squeezing my cheeks. Unaware of the father daughter duo approaching me.

"Excuse me miss, but who are you?" An authoritative voice called out to me.

"Eep! I- Uh. Well-. You see-." I stuttered, internally cursing myself. I slowly turned my body to face them, freezing at the sight of them. 'Their faces. So similar' I thought while slightly tilting my head trying to make sense of the situation.

"Are you alright? You seem shocked. Are you perhaps one of the royals invited for my birthday?" A melodious voice called out to me. 'Oh my! Who is this beauty?!' I internally squealed as a faint blush dusted my face.

"Oh! I'm no royal. I honestly don't remember how I got here. One minute I was at home in bed sick. And now I'm in this fairy-tale-like garden" I replied, scratching my neck while approaching the duo. "I'm Euphina Wyrms, nice to meet you"

"Well that's a peculiar story. Do you truly not know who we are and where you are currently at?" The tall, chubby man sceptically questioned.

"I am telling the truth, I truly have no clue where I am, or who you are. Or why I am in a fairy-tale looking castle. The last thing I remember was laying in my room, watching a kids movie that recently came out because I was sick, due to all the accumulated stress. And it was the day before my debut to high society. My bones were filled with exhaustion, so I thought I would rest my eyes. And then I woke on the floor, with these expensive-looking clothes and no memory of anything before my debutante. Wait I can't remember anything?! What-what's going on? Why is my memory hazy!' I replied while clutching my head and tugging my hair. My breathing grew rapid and shallow the more my thoughts spiralled into the rabbit hole.

"Woah Ms Wyrms. Calm down. It's going to be alright, you are alright. Okay?" The sweet young girl reassured as she approached me, hugging my shaking figure. Her warmth captivating my thoughts, calming me down and making mind hazy.

"It seems you have been in a traumatic situation. It's alright, we'll help you. I should also introduce us. I am King Leopold White, the ruler of the Germonia Kingdom. This is my daughter, the Crown Princess Snow White." King White reassured while offering his hand out to me. "From now on, you will be under my personal care. You have to live up to my expectations Ms Wyrms. I see great potential in you. For now, you shall be my daughter's personal maid. You'll have a week to be trained, and after that you'll serve my daughter's every need. Alright?"

"I- can I really stay with you Mr, I mean your Highness? I'm a stranger and I don't even know myself properly." I said with thankful tears gathering in my eyes. I lifted my gaze to peer up to his highness, seeing his smiling face and nodding his head. Snow lifted me up and started to drag me to the entrance of the castle where her servants were awaiting. "Thank you so much your highness. Thank You! I will not let you down!" I yelled out as I was ushered by the princess into the castle now dusted in orange and red hues."

"I can't wait for this adventure"


Authors Note:

Hey fellow readers, 

Do you know how beautiful/gorgeous/wonderful you souls are? Yes I'm talking to you. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I should probably give you all a heads up. This story would probably take a while to finish because I have a problem sticking to one thing. And since this is my final year of high school, I'll have to focus more at school. I will apologise in advance for the slow chapters.

Thank you all for being patient. This is my first fanfic type story so please bare with me. I'm trying to improve my writing and just extract my endless daydreams into stories and share them with the world!

Love you lovely people, enjoy your day. ❤️🫰🫰

Red Shoes & Euphina Wyrms and The Seven DwarfsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang