Royal Court

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Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sudden loud knocking awoke Euphina from her restful slumber, forcing her aching body to leave the comfort of her bed and approach the door. Marigold's face entered her hazy vision, moving out of the way to let her enter. "Miss, the king has requested an audience after breakfast. Quickly eat and then ring the bell. I'll be waiting with your new clothes sent by Her Highness Princess Snow White." Marigold informed her as she set up her meal in the little dining area in the room. "Please don't resist our help and cooperate nicely," she added.

"Her tone is a little off. It's almost condescending. Ha..." Euphina thought while letting out a sigh. "Alright, thank you Marigold. I will be quick."

The doors to her room shut as soon as she sat down at the table. The range of bread and fragrant fruit hit her senses, causing her mouth to water up in anticipation. A bowl filled with mouth-watering soup, filled with meat and vegetables elicited a grumble in her stomach urging her to take a bite. As soon as she took her first bite, the whole platter was speckless in a matter of minutes. "Damn, I must've been hungrier than I realised." She softly exclaimed while shuffling towards the velvet rope that hung beside the bed.

"Alright miss, Let us help you get ready," Marigold said as a team of maids entered my room all holding different items to help me look my best.

After a hectic hour of being dragged around, washed, dressed up and dolled up, Euphina was finally allowed to look at herself. At first glance, she thought there was something wrong with the mirror due to the radiant figure that fell unfamiliar to her mind. "Is that me? I look so... different? How, how did you?"

"Alright Miss, you are quite late. Let's ask questions later. The King and Princess are waiting for you." Marigold responded, ushering her out of the room and to the throne room.

"Alright Miss, when you enter, greet the king as such, 'I Euphina Wyrms greet the shining sun of the Camellia Japonica Empire, Your Highness Emperor Leopold White. I, Euphina Wyrms, greet the shining star of the Camellia Japonica Empire, Your highness, the Crown Princess Snow White.' Then you must bow once to the emperor and the princess while reciting these lines, and only get up when they allow you to. The king will let the court continue, and he will talk to you, so be weary of how you act. The royal court is filled with snakes waiting to strike the emperor, and they will through you. After that just walk down to the end of the staircase and head to the refreshments. Don't talk to the nobles gathered and just keep an eye on the emperor and princess." Marigold said quickly in a hushed tone.

"Alright, I'm ready. Open the doors please." She replied

"Entering Euphina Wyrms, guest of the Camellia Japonica Empire." The attendant announced it to the Royal court.

All eyes were on her as she descended the stairs to the platform that held the king and the princess, overlooking the royal court. As she gracefully strode to the Royal pair, she took a deep bow reciting the lines she was taught earlier. "I, Euphina Wyrms, greet the shining sun of the Camellia Japonica Empire, Your Highness Emperor Leopold Camellia White."

"Rise Euphina." The emperor boomed.

As soon as she rose, she turned to the princess and recited the second half of the greeting while taking another deep bow. "I, Euphina Wyms, greet the shining star of the Camellia Japonica Empire, Your Highness, The Crown Princess Snow Camellia White."

"Rise Euphina." The princess commanded softly, with a small smile blooming on her face.

"As you were," the king commanded, hinting for some privacy. The nobles quickly dispersed themselves around the throne room, gathering in groups and discussing their duties.

"Now, Euphina. I cannot let you stay with me as a guest forever. It will cause an uproar if the noble faction finds out your secret. Therefore, I have suggested you be a personal escort to my precious Snowdrop. After I excuse the nobles from this morning's meeting, you must go straight to your room and wait for Marigold. She will escort you to the training centre where you will be tested to see if you are suitable enough to protect a royal. Please be prepared." The king concluded, signalling me to leave them be.

"As you wish, Your Highness. I won't let you down." She replied with a smile.

Bowing for her leave, "Your highnesses," she said as she turned to descend the stairs.

As she approached the floor, nobles started to flood around her, tossing all sorts of double-edged questions at her. Euphina felt her powers activating due to the suffocating situation she was in and started to fear the worst. "Excuse me. I suddenly feel dizzy and would like to rest. Please continue your discussions," she said politely while touching her forehead, feeling a migraine approaching her.

"Let me help you Euphina," a soft voice called out to me, clutching onto my arm and gently tugging me somewhere.

"You highness. Thank you so much for aiding me. I think my powers are finally coming back to me," Euphina whispered, while she took a seat next to the refreshments being served.

"Powers? What do you mean powers?" Snow question, looking at me incredulously.

"I'll show you when I am in training," Euphina replied curtly while blinking back the pain that has begun to subdue. "I inherited it from my father's family and was trained by my Aunt to be a protector of my realm. I'll explain the rest when we are alone."

"Alright then," Snow replied with a sigh.

"Alright everyone, you are dismissed for the morning. Tonight there are no scheduled meetings so have plentiful rest. Tomorrow is a big day!" King white dismissed while standing up to leave.

" I have to go, see you around Your Highness," Euphina greeted, bowing quickly and briskly walking out the doors with the other nobles.

Avoiding any conversations with the Royal court, she easily made it back to her room, finding Marigold waiting outside with a change of clothes for her training.

" *Huff*, alright Marigold, do your magic." Euphina greeted Marigold while catching her breath.

"I don't do magic Miss, I'm just a maid," Marigold replied as she entered her room.

"It's just a figure of... nevermind, please help me out of this dress," she asked while walking behind the changing screen.

Euphina stepped out from behind the screen in a new, more breathable attire. "Thank you for the help Marigold, I'm ready to go," she said while exiting her quarters.

"No problem Miss, follow me." Marigold replied, leading the way to the training arena.

Red Shoes & Euphina Wyrms and The Seven Dwarfsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें