Prove Your Worth Part 1

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The gradual increase of the clashing and clanking sound of swords reaches Euphina ears as they approach the training arena. Seeing the multiple shirtless men, covered in scars and muscles cause her face to heat up. 'Dayyum. I could watch this all day. Snap out of it Euphina' she thought while checking if she was drooling. "Alright miss, you have to enter by yourself and state your name and reason. These knights are thorough in their conduct, especially after there was a spy infestation," Marigold warned while taking a bow and leaving.

"Okay then Euphina, just introduce yourself," she whispered while entering the arena and approaching the knights that were resting. "Uh hello, Would you mind taking me to your captain? I was sent by the Emperor," she greeted nervously.

"The Emperor aye. Alright follow me. And remember, if ye caught lying yer head will not be attached to yer body," The well-built knight said while beckoning me to follow him.

"Oh, that won't be a problem," she replied confidently as she passed through the arena, getting a glimpse of the knights' routine.

"Captain, a lass is here to see ya. 'Emperor's orders' she says. I'll leave ye with the captain," he said as he saluted and exited the captain's room. The man in front of her had long hair tied half up into a bun, with tattoos covering his arms. He was dark-skinned and very built, littered with muscles (muscles galore),. 'He sure is eye-candy," she thought while eyeing him.

 'He sure is eye-candy," she thought while eyeing him

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"So you must be Euphina?" the captain asked.

"Yes sir!" she exclaimed as her body reacted unbeknownst to her, and formed a salute.

"Hmm, previous discipline present and fast reflexes. You have been trained before Euphina. It doesn't matter, after I am through with you, you will be fit to be called a knight of the Camellia Japonica Empire. I am Captain Levos Cyndradil, one of the sole protectors of this empire. Please follow me to the training grounds, let's test your capabilities and skills." Levos said as he led the way to the training grounds. All the other knights stopped to salute and greet Levos as they walked past them to the centre.

"Alright milady, let's test your capability. Do you have powers? Have you had training before and when was the last time you exercised?" Levis bombarded as he faced her.

" Yes I do have powers, though I need to brush up on them. It seems I have lost most of my mana when I was brought here. I have had training parallel to my magical training and the last time I trained was a month ago because I got busy with my debutante," she said in one breath.

"Hmm show me your powers," he said while indicating to the line of practice dummies lined.

"Uh, now? Alright then." she said as got into position, with her arms held out crossing each other and her legs shoulder-width apart. "Okay... Crystal Colidum," she chanted while producing a big magic circle near her hands, shooting a large row of sharp white crystals. Effectively shredding most of the dummies, she dispersed the crystals quickly feeling a bit drained. "Whew, that took quite a lot out of me," she said while turning to Levos only to see the knights gaping at her.

"You have quite a unique magic style. Seems very capable. Alright, time for the physical test,' Levos said as he led me to another part of the arena. "This is an obstacle course we put the new recruits through to test their reaction time, their strength coordination and much. Since it seems like you have had prior training, you will have the course raised in difficulty. Alright head to the starting line," he commanded while collecting a piece of parchment and quill to record her progress.

"Yes sir!" she saluted and jogged to the starting line.

"Ready... Go!" He yelled, signalling Euphina to begin.

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