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Ignore the mistakes....

♣︎ ♣︎ ♣︎ ♣︎ ♣︎ ♣︎ ♣︎ ♣︎ ♣︎
Third person POV
Taehyung was inside jungkook's house..sitting on the couch..
As jungkook told him he'd be right back as he had some work left...

"Sorry it took long.." jungkook said sitting beside taehyung..

"Oh no it's okay.." taehyung said..smiling..
Both of them talked with each other..until taehyung decided to leave..

"I'm gonna go now.." taehyung said standing up..

"Why so early.." jungkook said with pout and taehyung giggled while pecking him..

"I have to go...my father..oh right my father.." taehyung said as he remembered something..
Jungkook tried to stay calm because..he was sweating too much.

"My father was suppose to come at night..but he didn't..he usually dose that..but...
he returns in the morning..and he still isn't here.." taehyung explained him..and jungkook nodded his head..

"Oh don't worry too much..he might come.." jungkook said with a smile..

"Pfft who said I was worried..my mom is worried..I don't even care if he dies.." taehyung said..
And jungkook smirked internally..

"Really?.you wouldn't care?..." jungkook asked taehyung..

"Nope..I won't even come to his funeral.." taehyung said..

"Wow.." jungkook said chuckling..
as he leans in for a kiss..both of them kissed once again..

After taehyung left..he straight up went to the basement..
He opened the door..and saw mr.kim laying dead..his face was covered with plastic bag..
And his hands and feet were tied..

"How did you treated him..that he hates you so much.." jungkook spoke kicking the dead body..

♦︎.  ♦︎.  ♦︎.  ♦︎.  ♦︎.  ♦︎.  ♦︎.  ♦︎. ♦︎. ♦︎.  ♦︎. ♦︎
Next morning..
Taehyung groaned..as he woke up..today was school..and he hated it
But the thought of meeting jungkook made him love school..
He went downstairs..happily eating..without his father..he didn't cared about him..
Soon he left...

At college-
Taehyung arrived late like always...
He entered inside the class..and was going to his and jungkook's seat..
But that annoying teacher...stopped him..

"Taehyung..pleases stop coming late..or else I'll talk to your mom.." the teacher warned..but taehyung
gave her an annoying smile..before sitting beside jungkook...

"Yeah tae..you should come..early..I always wait for you." Jungkook pouted..

"Okay.." taehyung said with a giggle..

both of them were about to walk out..when taehyung remembered he forgot his..car keys..
He decided to drive today..

"Wow taehyung long time no see..." a voice said..making taehyung..to roll his eyes..knowing who the
voice belongs to..

"What is it kai.." taehyung turned around..and saw kai standing there with the same creepy old smirk..

"Is this how you treat me..after I come back.." kai said fake crying..and taehyung scoffed..walking past him..
Until he grabbed his wrists..

"What's your problem.." taehyung said irritated..

"I have no problem..I just want you.." kai said smirking..
And taehyung wasn't in the mood to play with him..or bully him like he used to..
Kai was gone for vacation..and taehyung knew he had to keep a distance..now..
Even tho he used to fight kai and talk back..but now he knew jungkook might get jealous..

"I heard you have a bf..is that true.." kai said..rolling his eyes..

"Yeah it's true.." taehyung boldly said..and kai was too shocked to speak...he thought taehyung wasn't
that kind of person..to easily fell in love..

Just as he was about to leave..jungkook was standing outside..looking all angry..

"j-jungkook.." taehyung stuttered..jungkook ignored him..and went to kai..

"I'm his boyfriend.." jungkook said as he angrily gripped on Kai's collar..

"Wait aren't you that nerd I bullied..woah whoah..you were weak..now look at you.." kai said removing his grip..

"And stop lying..he is mine.." kai said with a smirk..that was no longer in his face when he was on the floor.
Jungkook punched him right in the face..taehyung hurriedly walked over jungkook to calm him..

"Hey d-don't f-fight.." taehyung tried to stop jungkook who was now beating the fuck out of kai..

But jungkook wasn't listening..so he pushed him hard...that's when jungkook got his senses back..
He looked over..and saw taehyung helping kai..it made him more angry..so he grabbed his wrists..

"Wait h-he fainted.." taehyung said..but jungkook got more mad..because taehyung was caring for some other boy
Who was not him..

Jungkook pushed him inside one of the empty classroom..

"Do you know h-how it felt when he said..you are his...only I can say that not him.." jungkook said throwing a chair..
And taehyung stood in the corner..waiting for jungkook to calm down..

But instead jungkook just started to cry..then laugh..the scene made taehyung to piss on his pants..
He was really scared form jungkook right now...out of a sudden..jungkook look towards taehyung who gulped..

"Your mine right?.." jungkook creepily asked with a smile..and taehyung nodded..

"WORDS.." jungkook yelled...and taehyung flinched..

"Yeah, I'm yours.." taehyung said...and jungkook calmed down..

"Why were you talking to him?.." jungkook asked in stern voice..

"I didn't..he started it first.." taehyung said in a low voice..

Jungkook went towards him...and pinned him on the wall...as he connected their lips..
Taehyung tried to push..but jungkook just depend the kiss..
Taehyung could feel that jungkook crying...so he stayed still....he knows he shouldn't be with jungkook..
But taehyung won't leave him...poor jungkook only wants someone to love.thats why he gets possessive..

Soon after some time when jungkook calmed down..he let go of the others lips...
While saying...

"Your mine only mine..."

The end of chapter
Next chapter coming soon

♠︎ ♠︎ ♠︎ ♠︎ ♠︎ ♠︎ ♠︎ ♠︎ ♠︎ ♠︎ ♠︎ ♠︎ ♠︎ ♠︎ ♠︎
Thanks for waiting..❤️
Hope you liked it..I wasn't satisfied with this chapter..

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