Th characters

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 Jennifer Jenkins   - 16 years old. Junior student.
LL - (Looks like ) Katherine McNamara (  Shadowhunters  2016)

Moxie Lockwood - 21 years old. Just got married to Blaze Warren. Cousin of  Jen ( aka  Jennifer )
LL - Lucy Hale (  Truth or dare 2018)

Haily Lockwood - 17 years old. Sophomore student. Cousin of  Jen and sister of Moxie.
LL - Jessica Green (  Alien surf girl  2012)

Zero Parker - boyfriend of  Jen. Junior student.
LL - Andrew Walker ( Hallmark movie guy )

Blaze Warren - Husband of Moxie.  He is 22 years old. He is a  Diener
LL - Steve Lund (Hallmark movie guy ) 

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