5. Telling him that he's crazy

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previously ..... Third P.O.V.

Eve woke up and was confused until she remembered everything. He was pacing back and fourth until she cleared his throat. He said " I'm sorry."

She swung her legs so that she' sitting up stright and then said " why are you sorry? It was just a.... Why do i hear your heart beat."

After Kenzo sat down across from her and explained how he is cursed and that she is half cursed.

It was awkward and silent until he said " you're taking this very well unlike they other people that have kissed me."

Eve said " so... just to be clear. You got saved by a guy who was a runaway experiment from the government. His blood is in your blood and I am half cursed because you saved me from dying.

" yes."

Now on with the story....

Eve P.O.V.

After his words had sunk in, I said " your are crazy."

I got up and was about to leave,  I then sense something . I turned around and caught the knife  in my hand.  After I dropped  the knife, I said "  you're crazy."

I was just about  to punch him  but was shocked when I saw claws coming out from my knuckles. I was freaking out until  he said "  breathe."

When I was calm, I said " is there a cure to turn me back to....  Why do i smell Booze."

 Third P.O.V.

Kenzo said "  Booze? ....I don't - shite .. I got up and help her up from the couch. I was trying to push her out of the apartment so that  Jake   wont make a big deal about me having a friend  who is a girl  over. But it was too late. The door open and  Jake  and said " so what's the big  emergency that i have to rush .... girlfriend. ?"

Eve said " Eww. No.   I was just leaving."

Just as she was bout to leave,  Jake  threw his pocket knife at her. She caught it before it hit her chest. After she  dropped it.

He said " Kenzo you have a lot of explaing to  do."

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