2. Cheating & The Dare

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 Jen  P.O.V.

After I left my cousin's apartment,  I  called him.  When it went to voice mail, I went to his place which  twenty minutes away from my cousin's apartment.  I let myself in his house since he gave me a spear key for emergency. I put the thermal mug in his kitchen counter and went upstairs to his room. When I opened the door  I notice that it was dark. Aww he's sleep. As I went to his bed, I pulled the covers to wake him up. I was shocked to see him in bed. He wasn't alone. He was with   his  banging my best friend.   I immediately went out of the room before both of them could  my presence.  I got in my car and   drove to  my cousin's place.

Zero's  P.O.V

 I was about to call girlfriend    and cancel when the door bell rang. As I opened the door, I saw    Mandy  crying. When we were on the couch she said " I'm sorry I want you back."

"Mandy , We can't."

She said " fine."

As I walked her towards the door, she kissed me. I pulled away and said "Mandy, I'm with -Ah~"

I let a small moan escape my mouth.

I sigh and said " Last time only."

She jumped on me with her legs around my waist and started to suck on my earlobe. I stopped  her and then texted my girlfriend. After i texted my girlfriend that i am sick, I said " This is the last time and we are done."

She smirked and said " if you say so."

 I took her upstairs and  we got a little busy. Just as I was about to go again, I heard someone coming up the stairs. I figure its my  sister.  I threw the blanket and funcked her like there was no tomorrow.

Jen's P.O.V.

    I walked up to my cousin's place. When she opened the door she said "  so was he - 

I hugged her and cried.  After I clamed down, she  said  " I'll beat his arse." She  was bout to  grab her keys when  I said "  can   we do it tomorrow."

Haily smirked and said  " okay, but  I have a great idea."

Kenzo P.O.V.

I had just finished taking a shower . You see let me introduce myself. I was born normal until i got into a car accident. I became a zomwolf. I didn't believe the stranger until i became one.

Four months ago when i had turned 18 and it happened. And now I stay away from everyone.

After i had finished wiped the foggy mirror I sense a human at my front door step. I got dressed thinking that it   Jake    because  always crashed on Friday night.

When i opened the door i saw a girl around my age standing there. I was just about to say something when she pulled my collar shirt and whispered in my ear. I was four inches taller than her she had to stand on her tippy toes to grab my shirt.

Third P.O.V.

 Haily  was  making   chicken sounds    because Eve  always  pick  truth. 

 Eve gave up and said " fine. what is it. "

" no take back."

 Haily said " you're such a child."

Moka  who is Haily's  friend said " anyways ,  I dare you to kiss  her  neighbor."

" no way."

" you're a chicken."

" no I am not.... What if he is an old man.... What if he is a crazy guy with -

 Haily said " no take backs."

 Moka said " no take backs.

Jen groan and said " fine."

Haily and Moka  watched her from the hallway to see if she would go through with the dare. When   Jen rang the door bell. She prayed that it was on old man. When the door open she was a little shocked that it was a guy who was sort of the same age as her. She grabbed his shirt collar since he was two inches taller than her. She whisper in his ear not to freak out. After she let go of his shirt collar she pushed him inside walked inside and shut the door.

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