new story the ending

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Chapter 1 and 2

Chapter 1 : Sadness & Bitten

It was Friday after noon, Kiroo was unpacking her things into her boyfriend's apartment when her phone rang.

Bad Blood - Taylor Swift ft Kendrick Lamar

She picked up her phone and answer it while opening her last box of her stuff.

" This better be good Rave."

Raven - what are you doing cousin?"

K ( Kiroo) - I'm unpacking. Why?"

R ( Raven) - Well m throwing a party so forget unpacking and come over... Wait you came back from a vacation trip and you didn't evite me?"

Kiroo laughed and told her everything. After Kiroo explained everything she said " I'll go but I aint drinking."

Raven laughed on the other end of the line and said " whatever."

Five hours later at the party...

When Kiroo wanted to go home so she started to look for her boyfriend. She push sweaty bodies that were making out or grinding. When Kiroo get to the stairs she climb a few and look for Zero. Kiroo ran up the stairs and started opening random doors. Since the party was in a mansion house. Half of them are people making out, and others she had to shut the door to fast to find out. When she got to last door at the end of the hall. She was curious, so she opened the door and was shocked to see two figures on the bed making out, each with their shirts off. The boy she reorganize anywhere. Kiroo shut the door fast and quietly. Her breathing starts picking up and started shaking. Hot tears run down her face and she began to run down the stairs, through the mob, and out to the yard where she fall to the ground and bury her head into her hands. She just couldn't believe it. Three months they have been dating and he cheats. Kiroo stands up wipes her tears away and walks out of the yard and into the front yard. When she got to her boyfriend's car, which was across the street she called her other cousin Eric. On the second ring he picked up.

" what's the 411."

K - " do you know how to break into a car without the keys or breaking the window."

E – what happen.

K – Nothing

Eric laugh and said " okay I'll tell you and how to hot wire the car to."

Kiroo laughed and said " thanks."

After she drove to the park, she got out of the car and sat on the bench. She sat there thinking if she should break up with him or wait for him to confess that he was cheating. She was so lost in thought that until she felt someone one poking her. She turned around and said "Stop poking me you little –She gasped when she saw it was a teenager boy.

She stood frozen and was trying to say something when the teenager guy said "you look sad. Are you okay miss."

She stood up and said " I .. uh.. got to go."

She turned around and started walking until he said " Wouldn't you like a whole new life?"

Kiroo faced him and said yeah right. How are you going to make my whole life different?

When he didnt answer, Kiroo said well good bye.

She started to walk away when he grabs her spins her so that she is facing him and said like this.

He then bit her neck. She pushed him away and said What the – she blacked out.

Chapter 2 Discover & Break up

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