Part 1- Introduction

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"Michael told me to come to this door, I'm his sister, Olivia Rose." I explain to the bouncer as I produce an ID.
I wonder if people have ever tried to use that as an excuse to get in before. Probably.
He  glares at me, "Ma'am, if you don't have a pass I'm going to have to remove you from the premises."
I step out of reach, "I'll call him to come get me, just give me a moment."
The bouncer simply crosses his arms and grunts at me in response.

After a few rings Michael picks up, "What's up?"
"Please come get me. I think your bouncer is about to brutally murder me. It's giving Dateline."
Michael clears his throat.
"I may have forgotten to tell the security staff about you. I'll be right out to clear it up."
I take a deep breath and glance at the bouncer staring me down.
"I deeply hate you." I bitterly mutter.
"I can leave you with Chris."
I assume he means the bouncer. No thanks.
"Then I'd have to call the boys to come get me and ruin your surprise."
He scoffs, "I was joking, be there in a minute."
"I-" He cuts me off by hanging up

I cross my arms and wait until Michael emerges at the door.
He smile charismatically at Chris, "she's with me."
Chris grunts and offers him a small nod.
Michael throws one of his signature, wide eyed, what the f**k looks at me. A small laugh bubbles out of me despite my resolution to stay mad at him.
He smiles and wraps me in a hug, squeezing me tight.
"Ah my baby sister" he jokingly coos, "I missed you."
I give him a gentle squeeze before letting go, "I missed you too until like five minutes ago."
Michael rolls his eyes, "you're so dramatic."
"Did you see Chris?" I whisper.
Michael glances at him and back at me, "Looks like that agent from Lilo and Stitch."
I laugh and Chris gives me a withering stare.

"The boys are going to be so excited." Michael says.
"I've been looking forward to it since you asked." I smile, "Imagine your friends liking your sister better than you."
"Imagine having your brother steal your best friends to be in his band." He retorts
I roll my eyes, "imagine not being about to make your own friends and having to steal your sisters."
"I had Luke first."
"But he likes me better."
"No he doesn't."
"Yes he does."
"Go inside." Chris grunts

Michael makes another face at me and I laugh, but Chris continues to glare. Once we're safely inside Michael bursts into a fit of giggles, "you're right. He's scary."
"I told you so!"
"Ok ok" Michael puts his finger to his lips as he quells his laughter, "If they hear your stupid goblin-witch cackle they won't be surprised."
I smack his shoulder, "I don't cackle."
He rolls his eyes, "Sure you don't."

He sneaks down the hall and pokes his head into the dressing room door at the end of the hall. I can hear the indistinct chatter of the boys.
"I have a surprise." Michael says
More chattering.
"No it's not a stripper you perv." Michael grumbles.
Michael looks at me and nods and I make my way to the door.
They all stare at me in shock
I feel a smile tugging at my cheeks, "Better than a stripper I hope."

Ashton scoops me up into a tight hug, "better than a whole club full."
I squeeze him back.
"is our Livie Rose really finally here?" He chirps
I chuckle, "You're gonna break my back Ash."
He loosens his grip, "well I wouldn't have to if you had come visit us sooner."
"I FaceTime all of you at least once a week."
Ashton shakes his head, "not the same."

Ashton is like my platonic soulmate. He's one of my best friends in the world, and his laugh always brightens my day. Because we're both so stubborn we get in huge fights sometimes, but we can't stay mad at each other for long.  After all, who else would get in trouble with me, and never tell a soul? he'll definitely be the fun uncle. Heaven help me when that day comes. I was worried at first that when he joined Michael's band we would stop being friends, but we stayed as close as ever.

Luke elbows Ashton out of the way, "It's my turn."
I pull him into a hug and he as hugs me back my feet lift off the ground a bit, "If it isn't our favorite Clifford."
Michael scoffs.
"Tied." Luke corrects himself shooting me a knowing look.
I smile, "Hey loser."
"Second favorite Clifford." He corrects again.
"Y'know I love alliteration"
"Literally any other l word Liv"
"Lame." I fire back
"I changed my mind. I didn't miss you." Luke kids.
I give him another little squeeze, "You're so sensitive."

Next to my actual brother, Luke was the closest thing I had to a brother. He's my confidant and my shoulder to cry on. I know he's with my to the end of the line. At only a month older than myself, the two of us were closest in age. Michael and I have known him for ages. Luke and I have always picked on each other, but I can't remember a single time we've ever fought. although Michael had met him first, we've formed an unbreakable bond.

I then turn my attention to Calum who stares at me, waiting. I fling myself into his arms without hesitation and he catches me.
"Hey Sunflower, no yellow today?" He questions lightly
I cringe, "Still sticking to that one, are you?"
He smiles, "Maybe I just forgot what your name is."
I let him go, "sounds like someone wants me to go home."
He pulls me back into the hug and holds onto me tightly, "don't go."

Calum and I were always friends in more hard to explain way, not like a brother or a platonic soulmate. He stuck by my side through every fight, and every flaw. there was always a certain giddiness when he was around. For all my favorite memories, he was there. I've always known he'll be there every day, just as much as Luke or AshtonWe had become friends through another friend in primary school, and after that he had been inseparable from me and Michael, who had all the same friends. All I know is I love him, as a friend of course.

Calum's POV

She turns her full attention to me and flings herself into my arms.
"Hey Sunflower, no yellow today?" I question lightly. When we were little she wore yellow everyday, earning her the nickname Sunflower.
She cringes, "Still sticking to that one, are you?""
I smile, "Maybe I just forgot what your name isx"
She lets me go, "sounds like someone wants me to go home."
I pulls her back into the hug.
"don't go.", I quietly plead.

We always talk about what it would be like if she were here and not just on the phone, I know the other boys have too. Now she's really here, and I can't believe it. Her hands are so cold I can feel them through my shirt, but I don't mind. Her weight in my arms is more comforting than I could describe. No matter how many fights we've got in, or how many times she's seen the worst sides of me, she's stuck by my side. For all my favorite childhood memories, she was there. To be honest that's probably because I had a little crush on her as a kid. Obviously, I had gotten over it since, but she's still one of my best friends, and I wouldn't trade her for anyone else.

Her eyes sweep over us affectionately, "Wow, you guys are all so different."
"Us? What about you?" Ashton asks rhetorically.
Her makeup is light, simply highlighting her features rather than hiding them like they used to. Her dirty blond hair bobs just below her shoulders, whereas she always used to wear it long and dyed. She stopped wearing her glasses and has a small stud on her left nostril now, but other than that she's the same Olivia Rose.
She shakes her head, "I left you guys alone for a couple years and you turned into men."
Luke rolls his eyes, "alright mom."
"So sappy." Ashton adds

A knock sounds at the door.
"Come in." I answer
The stage manager opens the door, "15 minutes to showtime."
I smile at Olivia Rose, "Ready to see the best concert of your life?"
She returns my smile, "Why? Is Billie Eilish out there?"
"Oi! We're better than Billie Eilish!" Ashton exclaim, "The disrespect, honestly."

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