Part 13- Carousel

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Calum's POV

Tristin opens the door with a cup of coffee in his hand and his hair tied in a small ponytail on top of his head. When he sees me a grin spreads across his face, "You here to see our girl?"
"Is she still asleep?"
Tristin nods, "I think so, although she could just be in her bathroom getting ready."
I'm not used to her sleeping in.
"I'll come back later."
"No, no." He insists, "I was about to wake her up anyway. I'm sure she'd be much happier if you did it."
"Don't forget to take your shoes off." He reminds me.

I slip my shoes off and quietly shuffle into Olivia Rose's room.
I jump onto her bed and she gasps before her eyes open and focus on me. I smile back at her.
She shoves me off the bed, "What the actual frick is wrong with you?"
I laugh and sit up so I can see her.
"What the the actual frick." I mock.
She scowls at me.

I laugh again, "I haven't heard you say that since like 2011."
She rolls her eyes and hits me with her pillow, "f*** is that better? I'm tired and you f***ing scared me."
I rest my chin on her bed, "I'm sorry sunflower, but we've got big plans today."
She crosses her arms and tries to look annoyed with me, but I can see the hint of a smile peeking through. How is she so beautiful without even trying?
"What are you on about?" She asks, "You're leaving tonight. Shouldn't you be packing?"
I shake my head, "I'm taking you on a proper date."
Her face lights up, "Really?"
I smile, "No, I just said that so you wouldn't hit me again."
She rolls her eyes, but a radiant smile is firmly spread across her face, "You're impossible."

"But really, you're going to love it." I tell her.
"What are we doing?"
"It's a surprise."
She raises an eyebrow at me, "How am I supposed to know what to wear then?"
"Something casual. Maybe those earrings with the bows if you're taking suggestions, I love those." I suggest.
She lets out a dramatic sigh, "Alright, get out so I can get dressed."
"I can help."
She rolls her eyes, "god you're such a perv."
I laugh and wink at her before leaving.

Olivia Rose's POV

"Cal!" I call.
After a moment Calum peeks his head through the door.
"Is this too much?" I ask gesturing to my outfit. I'm wearing a black sundress with coordinating sandals, my hair tied half up half down, and my bow earrings.
He twirls me around, "You look perfect."
I smile, "Really?"
"Sunflower, you don't have to wear anything to look perfect."
I chuckle, "You would like that, wouldn't you?"
He rolls his eyes, "Who's a perv now?"
I shrug, "Maybe both of us."
He chuckles.

I give him a peak on the lips, "But thank you."
He smiles at me and licks his lips, "What flavor is that?"
"It's called kiwi blush."
"I'm definitely going to have to invest in some more of that."
"Can we go now?" I ask.


"The park?" I ask glancing around at the greenery. I love the park, however I'm not sure what made him so excited about it.
He smiles, "Not just the park."
He guides to me an alcove in the trees and I spy a picnic blanket with a portable radio and a basket.

I gasp, "How did you do this?"
"I had a little help. Your friend Eve is a miracle worker."
I squeeze him tightly, "This is amazing Cal."

I sit down on the blanket and Calum pours us both a glass of lemonade.
"Do you remember when you first started writing music?" He asks.
I hum for a moment, "I remember I wanted to be just like your sister."
"Do you remember the first lyrics you wrote?"
"Do you?"
He smiles triumphantly and pulls out a small, crumpled piece of paper, "Mali-Koa found this in the pocket of one of her jackets a few months ago and sent it to me."

I gasp and look over his shoulder at my scrawling writing on the paper, "I can't believe this is real."
"I've been keeping it in my wallet." He glances back up at me, "The lyrics and composition are really good."
"Maybe you can use them." I offer.
He shakes his head, "What if you start releasing music?"
"I don't really fancy preforming."

He shrugs, "I just want to see you happy."
I wrap my arm around his waist and plant a kiss on his shoulder, "I am happy. You make me happy."
He rests his chin on top of my head and tucks the paper back into his wallet, "You make me happy too."
I smile up at him, "Can we get back to the date now?"

He fills with life and whips out meat pies and Tim tams.
"Unbelievable how hard it was to find these here. Honestly I'm not sure how you live like this." He kids.
I dramatically sigh, "It's so hard sometimes."

He hands me a plastic fork and knife before tucking into his own pie. He makes a face and swallows hard, "That was really f***ing gross."
I chuckle and take a bite out of my own. It's cold and I'm not entirely sure this has any real meat, or fruit for that matter. I gag and spit the pie into a napkin.
Calum laughs, "You looked like that meme of the rat from Ratatouille just then."
I playfully roll my eyes, "You were practically green."

"Hopefully they can't ruin Tim Tams." I say unwrapping one.
He leans over and takes a bite of mine, "Yeah, that's a good Tim Tam."
"Oi! You have your own."
He smiles, "Quality control."
"You owe me a bite of yours."
He takes a bite and holds the bar out to me, "I'd be a fool not to after what happened in primary school."
I take a bite and smile relishing the chocolatey taste, "Yup, that's a bloody good Tim Tam."

This is by far the best date I've ever been on. It's not because it's going particularly well, or that the others have gone particularly bad, but because he's the one here with me. For me, it's always been him. He's my best friend and now something more, and it's perfect. He's perfect.

He cocks his head, "What would you think about being my girlfriend?"
"No." I deadpan.
His smile falls and he stays quiet, mouth slightly agape.
"I'm joking. I'd love to be your girlfriend."
He sighs, clearly relieved, and smiles, "That was right mean."
I smile back, "I can't make it too easy for you."
He cups my cheek and kisses me slowly, taking his time to enjoy the moment.
"I love you." I mutter against his lips.
He rests his forehead against mine, "I love you too my Sunflower."

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