Part 10- Complete Mess

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"Why couldn't Michael come?" I ask.
"He said he needed to book our tickets home for this weekend." Luke says.
"But he seemed upset about something." Ashton adds.
"I can't believe you have to go again so soon."
"I wish you could come with us." Luke says, "Even though you're kinda annoying."

"What if she did come with us?" Ashton muses
I raise an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"
"You could help us write our music again, full time, on the road with us."
"That's crazy Ash."
"You told me your contract with Netflix is almost up and you've been procrastinating filling out your paperwork. What if you just didn't?"
"I can't just up and leave."
"I'm sure Tristin wouldn't mind. Plus we have another tour in six months and we wanted to get to work on an album. It's perfect." Ashton continues.
I sigh and push the hair out of my face." I'll think about it."

Calum walks by and runs his hand almost imperceptibly across my shoulder as he does, leaving a trail of goosebumps.
Ashton goes on talking about some band I've never heard of with Tristin and Luke shoots me a look from the couch across the way.
I raise an eyebrow at him as Calum plops innocently down on the couch next to him.

"Can I talk to you in the kitchen for a minute Liv?" Luke asks.
"I don't know can you?"
Luke rolls his eyes, "I hate you."
I stand up, "yeah, ok."

The two of us crowd into the kitchen out of ear and eye shot of the living room.
"What's up little penguin?" I ask him.
He cringes, "don't call me that."
"Remember when we used to read those-"
His eyes widen, "You promised never to bring that up."
I smile, "it was your idea."

He shakes his head and leans in with a serious look on his face. It looks almost out of place.
"What's going on with you and Cal?" He asks changing the conversation.
My eyebrows jut up in surprise,
"What? nothing."
Luke smiles mischievously, "is that why it looked like you were mentally un-"
I smack my hand over his mouth, "I was not."
He licks my hand.
"Ew!" I wipe it off on his arm.
"I'm not as dumb as I look Clifford."

"Pinky promise you won't freak out?" I say offering up my pinky.
He links his through mine.
I sigh and bring my tone down to an even lower whisper, "we kinda kissed yesterday and I really fancied him for a long time and I  kind still do. I don't know how to tell Michael. How to tell any of you really."
"That's all?"
"What do you mean 'that's all'?"
Luke smiles, "he stayed out your flat again last night. I thought you two-"
"What? Are you crazy?" I whisper yell.
He laughs, "If I was a girl and he stayed the night at my flat-"
"You're disgusting."
He winks and I gag.

"You really don't care?" I question pivoting back, "Cos whenever I went out with a guy before you didn't approve and caused a scene."
He shrugs, "I trust Cal, he's always been good for you."
I pull Luke into a hug and relief feels my chest, "I was so scared to talk to you."
"Anyone's better than Ashton, god was I scared you were going to end up with Ashton."
I laugh, "He's all yours."

I compose myself for a moment and I return to my seat next to Ashton who lazily swings his arm around my shoulder.
"All I'm saying is you can tell which songs Livia didn't help write." Tristian says to Ashton.
What are they talking about?
"What are you talking about?" Luke asks.
I narrow my eyes, can he hear me right now?

"Did he realize you and Calum fancy each other?" Ashton whispers in my ear.
I flick my head towards him and he looks back casually.
"How'd you know that?" I whisper back.
"you literally always have, no other way you wouldn't have fallen madly in love with my charm by now." Ashton quietly kids.
I roll my eyes, "the only charm you have is on that necklace."
He chuckles, "But seriously, it's always been obvious."
I feel my cheeks heat up, it can't be that obvious.

"Like which ones?" Luke asks.
Tristin must've explained the conversation while I wasn't paying attention. Story of my life.
"18" Tristin says
I cringe, I hate that song with a passion.
Luke laughs, "She begged us not to release it."
"She wouldn't even let us play it if she was going to be there." Calum recollects
"She was right about heartbreak girl at least." Luke muses.
All the boys cringe.
"I'm right about both of them."
"She's got a naughty tattoo in a place I'm trying to get to, but my mom still drives me to school." Ashton sings.
I jab him in the ribs, "I will kick you out of my house."
Ashton giggles, "I never get to see you this mad anymore."
"Sing that again and I will choke you with one of your own bandannas." I threaten.

"Can you get me some water?" Luke asks.
"You can get some water."
"Please?" Luke begs, "my ankle hurts."
"What happened to your ankle?"
"I fell off the sidewalk leaving the bar."
"Good, that's what you get for leaving me."
"I'm sorry, will you please get me water?"
"You were walking just fine a few minutes ago."
"I'm not now."
I roll my eyes, "fine"
"Me too." Ashton chimes in.
"Me three." Tristin adds.
I sigh.
"I'll come help you carry it." Calum offers.
"Thank you."
"What a gentleman." Tristin chirps with a smile as we walk by.

In the kitchen Calum quietly leans against the counter next to the sink while I fill cups.
I hazard a glance at him and see his eyes trained steadily on me.
How does he just look like that?
"What's up?" He asks calmly.
"You're obviously thinking about something sunflower."
There it is.
Just like that my mind is back on this morning. The boy I liked, loved, saying he felt the same. His hands on my waist dancing around the kitchen.

His eyebrow arches, "You're staring at my lips."
"Sorry." I say dragging my eyes back to his.
He stares up at the ceiling, "I'm trying to be respectful, but you're making it really hard."
Would it really be so bad if he didn't?
"Then don't." I murmur
Despite myself I guide his chin down so he's looking at me again, "Don't."

"Are you sure?" He asks
I nod and he smirks and plants a kiss on my lips. He wraps one arm around my waist leaving one on the counter where he's still leaning. I place a hand on his chest to steady myself and with my free hand I hold onto his arm.

He wraps the edge of my sweatshirt around his hand, "Repping your favorite band?"
I smile coyly, "I actually prefer Green Day."
"Do you now? Cos you really seem to like that bassist 5 sauce has, and his hoodies."
I push his hand out of my hoodie, "don't stretch it out, I'll kill you." 
"Who would give you their hoodies then?"
I laugh, "Ashton, Tristin, Luke, I could probably get Niall to give me his if I have to."
I push myself off his chest, "ok, Luke did ask for water like 17 years ago."

Always You ( Calum Hood AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora