Part 5- 2011

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"How many?" The hostess asks.
The four boys plus me and Tristin.
"Six." I respond, "and can we be seated in Eve's section?"
Her face lights up, "You're friends with Eve?"
I smile, "I am."
"She's the best. Follow me." The hostess walks up and to the left sitting us at a table, "have a nice meal."

Michael narrows his eyes at me, "Do you know everyone here?"
I scoff and roll my eyes, "Obviously not, it's LA."
"She has Niall Horan's number." Tristin brags.
I smile, "I think he's a little obsessed with you Mikey."
"Nice lad." Michael says.
"Plus you helped him write that song a couple years back." Ashton reminisces.
"The whole album." I correct.
"Right, you guys did a good job on that."
"You tell me that all the time Ash."
"I'm just really proud of you"
"We all are." Luke adds.

Tristin sighs, "I'm the only one here who's not uber famous or whatever."
I roll my eyes, "I'm not famous."
"You could be."
"Don't really like the spotlight, I just love music."
"You're too pure for this world."

"Hello I'll be your waitress, Eve, may-" her eyes pass over the boys lazily and she stops short looking at me.
She flings herself over Tristin into my arms knocking me into Calum a little.
"Hey Liv."
I squeeze her back, "hi Eve."
"Who are the hot guys?" She whispers.
"These are my friends from back home."

She pulls back and takes her notepad out, "would you like any drinks to start?"
Everyone gives her their drink order and I notice her subtly check Ashton out.
Her attention turns back to me, "I'm off tomorrow. We should go to the Water Pig, and you can bring your friends."
I love Eve, but I hate going out to the bar with her, and the Water Pig is always crowded.
"Please, we haven't hung out in ages." She begs noticing my hesitation.
I sigh, "Fine, but we're taking a cab this time."
"Meet at your place?"
I nod and her eyes flick to the boys.
Ashton smiles, "We'll be there."
"Great." She says before slipping back into the kitchen.

Ashton looks back at me, still smiling like a fool, "I would make a pass at her."
I sigh, "God help me."
"Can we tell you our tour stories now?" Luke asks happily.
"As long as none of them involve Ashton wanting to snog my friends."
Luke smiles, "Other than me and Cal, I think we're good on that."
We all laugh.

A pair of girls, teens or a bit older, hesitantly approach the table.
"Excuse me?" One girl says.
Michael offers them a sunshiny smile, "Hi."
"Are you 5 Seconds of Summer?" The girl asks.
"That's us." Michael answers.
The girls faces light up.
"I told you." The second girl says.
"Can we please get a picture?" The first girl asks Michael.
"We'd love to." Michael says happily.

The boys scoot out of their seats and over to the girls. The boys give the girls hugs and take a few pictures with them before the girls scurry away.

"Sometimes I forget that you guys are actually famous."
Calum laughs, "we do too."


I come into the living room humming a tune I made up while I was getting ready and drinking a smoothie.
Ashton is laying facedown on the floor, Michael is dangling off the couch, Luke is pacing, and Calum is sitting in a chair looking dead inside.

I perch on the arm of Calum's chair, "What's up with you blokes?"
"Bloody writers block." Ashton mutters into the floor.
Calum sighs and I offer him a sip of my smoothie.

Luke stops pacing, "Reckon you could help us?"
I press my lips together, "I don't know."
Ashton's head pops up, "Please, you're such a good writer."
Luke excitedly hands me a pad and paper and I slide down into the chair with Calum.

"You beauty!" Ashton exclaims.
Calum smiles at me, "I love you so much right now."
I feel my cheeks heat up.
"You're my favorite sister." Michael says.
"Me too." Luke agrees.
I roll my eyes and laugh, "you guys are such losers."

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