Part 6- Better Man

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I come out in a pair of brown high waisted baggy sweat pants, a yellow crop top, and velcro Reebok sneakers.
"You cannot wear that." Tristin says as soon as he sees me.
"Why not? It's the baggy sweat pants and the Reeboks with the straps." I retort.
Tristin looks at me both shocked and appalled, "First of all, I can't believe you even went there. Second of all, you're not going to the club. And third of all, you don't have a big butt."
I roll my eyes, "Rude."
"Go put on that skirt I got you for your birthday, it'd go great with that shirt."
"And those brown boots I love."
I hold up my middle finger to him before retreating back to my room.

As much as I'd rather wear sweatpants, I have to give it to Tristin: this skirt does look really good on me. It highlights my curves in a way that doesn't make me feel fat, and I love it with this top and boots. I keep telling Tristin he should be an image consultant, but he's too worried he won't be able to support himself quickly enough. Although, he's considering starting it part time for the moment and seeing how it goes.

I turn to the side and see the bulge at the bottom of my stomach through my skirt.
What if I do look fat?
I shake my head, I look good.
Maybe if I tell myself enough times I'll really believe it.

I hear some indistinct voices coming from the living area and a bang at my door. I jump a little before opening it and peeking my head out.
"Are you almost ready? We've all been waiting." Ashton complains.
"I'm not sure I look good."
Ashton steps through the door and studies my outfit for a minute before meeting my eyes again, impressed, "You'd have to be a bloody idiot to not think you look great. Trying to turn some heads?"
I roll my eyes, "Yeah, right."
"Maybe Luke's?" He kids
I giggle, "ew."
"I'd like to turns Luke's head."
I shake my head , "You're such an odd bloke."
He throws his arm around my shoulder and walks me out of the room.

Calum's POV

Ashton comes back out of Olivia Rose's room with his arm slung around her shoulder.
She looks absolutely gorgeous, if not a little uncomfortable. I don't think I've ever seen her in a skirt, but it's a good look on her. Her hair is pulled up with some tendrils hanging loosely around her face framing it perfectly. In the light, her face practically glows.

"Finally ready your highness?" Michael quips.
She rolls her eyes, "shove it."

I sit at a small table by the wall alone. This bar is more run down then the other buildings in the area, but that brings it a certain charm. It smells like sweat and stale beer, but there's something oddly comforting and familiar about it. To my left I can see Luke and Olivia Rose playing darts. Anytime someone goes to throw one the other bangs their arm to mess up their aim. The others have all disappeared into the crowd.

Olivia Rose plops down in the chair next to me, and takes a sip of her drink.
"Lost?" I ask
She cocks her eyebrow at me, "Why do you assume I lost?"
"Cos your darts weren't even hitting the board."
She scoots her chair closer to mine closing the small gap between our knees, "Only cos Luke cheated."
I laugh, "so did you."

Olivia Rose's POV
Three hours later

I drop back into the chair next to Calum and push the beer away. I'm actually nauseous just looking at it now. Calum quietly sings to himself, but the words don't make any sense. I'm not sure some of them are actually words. I'll admit, I am a bit buzzed, but Calum is absolutely legless. As the night has gone on the crowd has gotten larger instead of smaller, and I can't find anyone else anywhere.

"Are you ready to leave?" I ask Calum.
His eyes drag up to mine, "Getting tired Sunflower?"
I sigh, "yeah."
"Well, let's find Michael and Luke and......Asher."
I chuckle, Ashton's gonna love that one.
"I can't find them."
"Just the two of us then." Calum chirps

We go out to the street and I flag down a cab.
"Where to?" The cab driver asks as we climb in.
I glance over at Calum who shrugs.
"I don't remember where my hotel is." He loudly whispers.
I shake my head, "you can stay at my apartment tonight." I offer.
He smiles and I give the cab driver my address.
Fortunately for us, my house is only a few blocks away otherwise I think we would've both fallen asleep.

Calum and I saunter into my apartment and kick our shoes off.
"You can sleep on the couch." I tell him.
"I don't wanna. Your couches are small." Calum complains.
"Then sleep on the floor."
"Can I just sleep in your bed with you?"
"Pretty please?"
I sigh, "I guess so."
My willpower is zero.

I go to the bathroom to change and when I get back to my room Calum is already sprawled out on my bed. I sigh and flop down on the bed next to him.
"I'm so tired." I say softly.
Calum pulls me in closer and I instinctively curl up against his chest. I can hear his heart beating and he gently strokes my hair.
Oh no.
I can't be this close to him. It makes me feel the way I haven't felt in a long time. not since I was a teenager.

I try to scoot away, but his arm just wraps more tightly around me, "Would you stop being such a wiggle worm?"
I chuckle, "Wiggle worm?"
"Leave it out, I'm drunk."
"Believe me, I noticed."
"I just want a cuddle from my best friend, is that alright?"
Best friend.
"Most best friends don't cuddle."
"These best friends do." He says without even opening an eye.

I sigh and relax into his grip. The feeling that creeps into my chest whenever he's close, it doesn't matter. I'm his best friend, that's all. He doesn't feel giddy when he's around me I like I do him. As far as he's concerned, I might as well be Michael. One day he'll find a girl and she won't try to wriggle out of his grip. She won't have any feelings to hide from because she'll be his.

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