Chapter two! First meeting!

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Minho's POV

"Chaaaannnn c'mon I don't want to go!" I whined from under the covers. Me and Chan dropped out of college last year to focus on our music. Our hope is to become a group of at least 8 and just make great music. It's been hard though. We barely manage to pay rent for this small one-bedroom apartment as it is. They are writing their first song right now. Chan wanted it to be a more 'mature' song, but I made him make it 'PG' so what he ended up doing was writing two sided lyrics. Unfortunately, Chan got a boyfriend right as he left. Now his boyfriend is moving into a new dorm and needs help so Chans making me go help.

"C'mon man. Get your Lazy ass out of bed" The older scolded.

"I don't want too though! Go help your boyfriend, why do I have to come?" I whined pulling the covers over my face.

"Ok reason number one jackass, he's your friend so you should help him and number two..." he said his voice slowly fading out. I peek my head out to see where he went. He's... starting to walk towards the door?

"...His roommate is cute and looks like a squirrel!" he yelled while getting on his shoes. I immediately jumped up and pulled on some sweatpants and a hoodie when I heard the door open.

(His fave blue hoodie! 😚👌)

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(His fave blue hoodie! 😚👌)

"Chan wait up!" I yelled, running to the kitchen to grab my keys, then slipped on my shoes. Chan just laughed at me.

"Wow are you really that needy?" Chan laughed from the door holding it open for me. I punched him as I walked past

"Shut up bitch, you and Jeongin can't even sit on different sides of the couch on movie night. Or even next to each other for god's sake! He's literally in your lap every time!" I yelled, running down the hall trying to get into the car. I hopped into the passenger's side making Chan drive.

He just scoffed a small "jackass" as he slid into the driver's seat.

~TiMe sKiP~ *They arrived at the dorms and are standing in front of the door. *

I was about to knock when Chan grabbed my wrist. "What?" I asked

"shhhh. Before we go in do you know what little space is?"

What? What's little space? "No... what's that?" I asked kind of skeptical he was going to ask me to do something weird.

"Well... I can't explain it all to you right now but just. Don't be surprised if he's... acting like a child. OK?" Bang Chan said looking nervous.

"Dude relax I'm not going to bully your boyfriend" I say trying to calm him. I really won't but what does he mean acting like a child?

^Knock Knock^

Does that man have a binkie in his mouth?! This is weird. "Chan I-" I start to whisper in his ear, but I get cut off.

"Innie baby!" Chan said holding out his arms. Jeongin chuckled and ran to him in a hug. Has Jeongin always been like this? Man, I need to do some research.

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