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A brunette stood atop a large skyscraper, overlooking the skyline of New York with its lights glistening in the night.

A lighting bolt was held to her throat. The one holding it was behind her, holding her in a vice like grip. With the bolt pressed against her neck at the front and a chest pressed against her back, she had no wiggle room to escape.

Her hair flew about in the New York wind, some sticking to her face that was wet with tears. The immense betrayal of the person she thought was the one that she could have spent the rest of her life with her just ripped her heart into two.

The girl's best friend stood in front of them, determined to at least save her from death.

"Kassia," the friend urged the brunette to look at him.

Kassia looked into the eyes of her oldest friend, Percy Jackson, letting herself find at least a little bit of hope in his determined features.

Once he knew he had her attention, Percy prodded her, "trust me."


She had trusted Luke Castellan. She had trusted him when he guaranteed he could train her to be one of the best half-blood swordsmen, like himself. She had trusted him when he promised that he would be waiting for her to get back to Camp-Half blood. She had trusted him when he pledged that he cared for her much deeper than just any friend would.

But he lied.

She let her heart be stollen by the son of Hermes, and in return he allowed her and her friends to go on a quest that he believed would have ended in their deaths, as well as the fall of the Olympian's.

She had not known him long, but the sparks between the two demigods had been instant. Kassia had been completely enamored by the charming boy the first time she had met him. Equally, Luke had been intoxicated by the quirky daughter of the sun god.

But it seems that affection was not enough.

Percy had not betrayed her, though. Her closest friend was still there, and if she didn't have at least a little trust in him, then she would have nothing. Percy was, in a way, her family.

Both grew up not knowing their fathers, but in Kassia's case she didn't know her mother either. She lived with a supposed 'aunt' that never really acknowledged her existence.

Outside of parental issues, the two shared many of the same strange experiences. Both were diagnosed with dyslexia at an early age. Both were also told they had ADHD. Both battled the Fury in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Both were instructed by a certain centaur to follow their friend Grover to the only place people like them could be safe- Camp Half-Blood. Both went on a quest to find the missing bolt of Zeus, accompanied by Grover and the daughter of Athena known as Annabeth. Both battled Medusa, lost sense of time in a casino, and traveled to the Underworld.

Shaking her head to rid her mind of all the negative things they had been through in the past few weeks, Kassia refused to let herself succumb to complete despair.

"I trust you."

As those words shakily left Kassia's lips, Percy closed his eyes and focused.

Luke thought for a moment that Percy Jackson was surrendering, but a loud noise drew his attention elsewhere.

A deep rumbling could be heard from behind where he stood with Kassia. He craned his neck around to find the source of the noise. A near water tower was shuddering and thundering as if something was trying to escape.

Something was.

Water burst from the water tower in a great wave.

One by one, water erupted from other water towers around the skyscraper, coming together into two columns on each side of Percy. Kassia and Luke stared at him with wide eyes-one with amazement and one with fear.

"Just stay still, Kas."

Before Luke could send the bolt of lightening his way, Percy sent the columns of water towards them in a great flood. The strength of the water detached Luke from Kassia, swirling him round and round as if he was in a whirlpool.

Kassia, on the other hand, stood tall in the middle of it. Not a drop of water touched her. It seemed as if a pocket of air surrounded her, not allowing a particle of water near her. She continued to watch in pure awe as the water began to retreat, and then evaporating into the night air.

The lighting bolt laid on the rooftop in front of her, finally out of Luke's hands. As the Castellan boy gurgled and spat out water that had entered his mouth during the maelstrom, Percy jumped down form where he stood on an air vent to run to Kassia.

He quickly pulled her further away from the blonde boy who was struggling to lift himself back up. After placing her behind him, ensuring that Luke could not harm his friend, Percy turned to the son of Hermes.

Seeing as though he was about to charge in one last attempt to end Percy and steal Zeus' bolt, the demigod created a trident from the water pooled at his feet.

"I think I am the son of Poseidon," he told his former friend, before sending the trident hurtling towards the oncoming boy. The trident didn't impale him, but instead caught him by the neck and sent him flying into the distant water of the Hudson River.

As soon as Percy took a breath, realizing that his fight with Luke was over, something crashed into him. His arms quickly wrapped around the source, letting Kassia know that they were ok.

He knew that his best friend was hurting, but he would not let her feel alone. She had him, Annabeth, and Grover. They would never leave or betray her like Luke had.

Kassia knew that her three closest friends would always be there. And she felt comforted by that knowledge. But in that moment, she made a decision. She would not let her heart be shattered. Ever again.


Hey, readers!

Sorry for this whirlwind of a prologue, but it was hard to jump into Sea of Monsters without giving at least a tiny bit of a backstory.

I wanted to keep it short, because this story is supposed to be about Kassia and her meeting Tyson, who isn't in the Lightning Thief.

But I couldn't just make Kassia pop up out it no where LOL.

But that's over now! Time for the real fun to start <3

And don't forget to leave likes and comments my dudes!!!

Eye See You (Tyson x O.C.) A Sea of Monsters StoryWhere stories live. Discover now