Chapter 4

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Camp Half-Blood was in complete and utter chaos.

Campers and other mythical beings were fleeing left and right in an attempt to avoid getting trampled by the bronze beast that was reaping havoc in a frenzy. No one had time to contemplate how or why the Colchis bull got into the camp, all they could think about was getting out of the way. Then, they could find a way to destroy it.

Kassia was currently running down the slope into the main part of Camp Half-Blood. She was a natural born sprinter, so her strides quickly overtook Tyson's, who had previously been dragging her along. In the back of her mind, she knew she had to get to the weapon racks that were near the recreational area. There wasn't a chance that the bull could be taken down with just anyone's bare hands.

Suddenly, Kassia dug her heels into the dirt underneath her feet to come to a quick stop. The Colchis bull had taken a great leap down the hill, and landed right in front of where she was headed. It swung its horns around rapidly, trying to skewer any campers in its path.

Tyson didn't register Kassia's abrupt stop quick enough. He had been close on her heels, not having any intentions of letting her out of his sight. Before he knew it, he was crashing into Kassia's back.

Before she could stumble forward, Tyson wrapped an arm around her waist with his quick reflexes, and pulled her back upright and into his chest.

Kassia lost her breath for a moment from the sudden jolt, and was surprised she wasn't face first in the dirt. Coming back to herself, she noticed the arm wrapped around her middle and the warmth encompassing her back.

When she twisted around, she came face to face with the cyclops. Their noses were almost touching with the close proximity they had found themselves in. Heat flushing across the pair's faces, the jumped away from each other.

Tyson was nervously issuing strings of apologies at the event.

"Kassia. I..I..I'm so sorry. I was right behind you. And you stopped. And I tried to stop. But couldn't stop. And then you almost fell. And I didn't want you to get hurt. And.."

Kassia was quick to wave her hand in a dismissive matter. It wasn't Tyson's fault, and she was quite thankful for his quick thinking. "Tyson, it's ok. I promise."

His shoulders visibly relaxed when he heard that she wasn't angry with him. People generally did not want any physical contact with him, and usually treated him like he could infect them. But Kassia stood there, in front of him, assuring him that she didn't mind. He was flabbergasted.

Their attention was quickly taken off of each other at the sound of Annabeth's voice.


Kassia saw her friend laying in the dirt, where she had came to a rolling stop after diving out of the way of the Colchis bull. Kassia's hands balled up into fists as she saw that Percy managed to get to Annabeth and pull her out of harms way. It was only a matter of time until someone got hurt. Or worse.

While Tyson was distracted, Kassia had quickly jumped to join her friends who were also headed to the racks.

He spun around, reaching out to grab ahold of her hand and get her somewhere safer, but he grasped only thin air. Spinning in a frantic circle, his nerves clenched when he realized she was nowhere to be seen.

In the meantime, Kassia fell into step beside Grover as he too was running up to Percy and Annabeth. Once they reached them, Kassia didn't waste any time in reaching up to grab a sword as others did the same. It was time to fight back.

"What's the plan?" Kassia said, turning to her friends. The four never had any problems with working together under pressure, and that wasn't going to change any time soon.

Eye See You (Tyson x O.C.) A Sea of Monsters StoryWhere stories live. Discover now