Chapter 6

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Kassia found herself sitting that evening outside of the Big House with Chiron. Annabeth and Grover were currently searching for a way to cure Thalia's tree. Kassia vaguely wondered where Tyson had gone off too, and she hopped he was not being bothered by anyone. Her knee rapidly bounced in anticipation until Chiron couldn't take it any more. He reached down and forcibly held the brunette's leg down with a pointed look.

"Relax," he told the anxious demigod.

"My bad," Kassia sheepishly told her mentor.

Chiron watched her a second more with a quirked eyebrow, curious to how much longer Kassia's abnormal quietness was going to last.

Luckily, they didn't have to wait much longer as Percy finally emerged from where he had been in the Big House's attic, where the Spirit of Delphi kept residence. Percy had went to speak to her upon Chiron's instruction to hopefully gain some insight on the prophecy Luke had alluded to earlier that day.

"So, what did she say?" Kassia questioned Percy when she pulled him down to sit beside her. She had been worried he would faint from the ashen look he adorned across his face.

Taking a deep breath, Percy recited what the Spirit of Delphi divulged to him perfectly:

"before you learn the future,
know first the past.
Long ago, before our time,
before Olympus and the gods,
Titans ruled the world.
Led by Kronos, a force so evil,
he devoured his own children.
But three of his sons escaped.
Zeus, Hades and Poseidon.
They destroyed Kronos
and banished his remains
to the depths of Tartarus.
But Kronos is fated to rise again
to exact his vengeance on Olympus,
and the world.
Only one half-blood child of the
three eldest gods can defeat him.
This child shall be our salvation...
or the cause of our destruction.
It all begins when two cousins
grapple for a fleece-
the son of the sea and the lightning thief.
And that half-blood of the eldest gods
shall reach 20 against all odds
and see the world in endless sleep.
The evil soul, cursed blade shall reap.
A single choice shall end his days.
Olympus to preserve or raze."

As soon as Percy finished his retelling of the prophecy, he elaborated, "and that is 'raze' with a z, as in 'destroy.' I asked."

Another tense silence filled the air after Percy's revelation. One could cut the tension with a knife. Kassia couldn't even began to digest how much rested upon her best friend's shoulders.

"Is there any chance, any chance at all... that I might not be the guy in the prophecy?" Percy asked Chiron, in hopes that the centaur saw another option that he himself couldn't think of.

"The Oracle references a half-blood of the eldest gods," Chiron regretfully responded. "You are the only living half-blood heir of Zeus, Hades or Poseidon. The prophecy could refer only to you."

Kassia had been stewing over a certain part of the prophecy. She looked between Chiron and Percy before voicing her observation.

"And the lightening thief. That could only be Luke."

Percy solemnly nodded his head in agreement with Kassia's deduction. He had come to that same conclusion.

"What if I destroy Olympus by not being good enough to save it?" Percy ultimately questioned Chiron.

The dense tension became even thicker. Chiron didn't have any comforting words for Percy. All he could offer was asking a question of his own, "that seems to be the question, doesn't it?"


Soon after Percy's prophecy had been revealed, he and Kassia met back up with Annabeth, Grover and Tyson. Mr. D had called a camp meeting in the arena, and everyone was to attend.

Eye See You (Tyson x O.C.) A Sea of Monsters StoryΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα