Chapter 2

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"So why did Mr. D summon you?"

Kassia, along with Annabeth and Grover, had managed to catch up with Percy as he was on his way to the Big House.

Kassia, tired from their brisk-paced walk to catch Percy in time, decided to jump on his back to hitch a ride. As it was a regular occurrence, Percy didn't bat an eyelash as he grabbed her by the legs to keep her secure on his back.

By this time, Grover decided to tack on to Annabeth's previous inquiry. "It's not good to get summoned." They four friends had found out Chiron usually only got involved when something had gone wrong, and not the easy way.

Grunting as he shifted Kassia on his back to ensure she wouldn't fall off, Percy pitifully tried to deny Grover's conclusion.

"I'm sure it's fine."

Kassia knew that Percy was trying to convince Grover of that as much as he was trying to convince himself. After all, he was Percy Jackson. Nothing was ever that simple or easy. Percy had not had an easy life ever since they found out they were demigods.

The brunette on Percy's back rested her chin on the top of his head. The two had been best friends for a while now, and they were not shy when it came to affection, purely familial though.

Kassia hadn't had much when it came to affection growing up, so it came as a shock to her to realize how much she actually craved it. Her three friends knew this, and they never thought twice about showering her with hugs, or letting her snuggle with them beside the bonfires.

"I'm sure you don't get summoned to the Big House without a major-league screw-up," Grover continued on as they trekked up the dirt path to the Big House.

"I didn't screw up," Percy tried to defend himself.

Kassia couldn't help it when she quipped, "what did you say, screw up?" with a smug smile on her face.


Annabeth and Grover both jumped at the sudden squeal from the brunette between them.

In retaliation to Kassia's comment, Percy had pinched the brunette's leg, not too hard but with enough force to get a reaction from her. Now she was wiggling out of his arms to get as far away from the offender as possible.

Kassia then scrambled to the other side of Annabeth, using her as a human wall. Being content with the distance, Kassia slid her arm into the crook of the other girl's arm as they all continued walking.

After sending a playful glare to Kassia, that was retuned with a stuck out tongue, Percy continued to convince himself, as well as his friends, that he was not in trouble.

"I cleaned the entire coliseum. And vacuumed," he added. After the obstacle course that he and Kassia had been involved in earlier that day, Mr. D had enlisted Percy to clean up the arena. By himself.

Being the only voice in Percy's life at the moment that was trying to relieve his stress, Annabeth told him, "don't let them get into your head, okay?"

As if they shared one braincell, Grover and Kassia smirked at each other. Their shared smiles always led to a bought of mischievousness.

They both jumped in tandem ahead of their two friends, acting as Percy's own personal escorts.

"We have a dead camper walking," Grover bleated out, laughing.

Kassia was right beside him, "make way! Dead camper walking here!"

The two noticed the attention that their antics were attracting, feeling successful. What better way to distract Percy than embarrassing him?

"Thanks. This is friendship," Percy unamusedly told his two best friends. He appreciated their efforts, although unorthodox, but it still didn't alleviate the nervousness coming from his body.

"I'm just playing, just trying to have a little fun," Grover told Percy.

"I'm not, but it's still fun," Kassia tried to say with a serious face. Unfortunately, her face cracked after a few seconds.

Percy could only roll his eyes at his friends' antics. He slung an arm over Kassia's shoulders, pinching her side for her snide comment.

"It's all right," he breathed out to Grover.

Even though he offered an apology, Grover was actually not done with his mischief.

"So, it's okay if I get your cabin when you get kicked out?"

"Hey, no calling dibs! I've known Percy for longer!"

"I called it first! Fair is fair!"

Annabeth and Percy quickly tuned out the ongoing squabble between the satyr and the daughter of Apollo. The two were worse than siblings at times. It was all in good fun, though. Grover and Kassia could never be mad at each other.

"Seriously, don't worry. It's just Mr. D. I mean, if Chiron had summoned you, then..."Annabeth had began as they finally approached the Big House.

She had fallen silent, as well as the two squabbling teens, when they all saw who was standing in front of the building.

It was Chiron.

"You are so massively screwed," Annabeth accidentally finished. She quickly grimaced when she realized she had said that thought out loud as Kassia chuckled at her slip-up.

Percy huffed at the two girls as he stepped forward to approach Chiron. His three friends were still frozen with eyes wide open before they came to their senses and followed after him.

"Whatever it is you think I did, I didn't do it," Percy was quick to defend himself. Turns out, Grover and Kassia's teasing had, in fact, gotten to him.

"You've done nothing, Percy," Chiron assured the boy. He had an inkling of an idea as to why Percy was defensive. Especially when he caught the eyes if a sheepish brunette trying to pretend she was innocent. He knew Kassia well, especially her playful personality.

"Exactly," Percy pointedly said. He was extremely relieved as he let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding.

Chiron, not wasting any time as usual, jumped straight to the point. "As you know, you are believed to be Poseidon's only heir."

Percy was quite confused as to where all of this was going. "Yeah, so?" he asked the half-horse, half-man in front of him.

"So, it would seem that belief has been held in error."

All four teens sucked in a breath at the revelation. Kassia eyes grew three times their size.

"Hold on. You're saying Percy has a brother?" Grover asked in awe. Another kid of the Big Three was HUGE news.

"Or a sister."

Grover looked at Annabeth with an unamused expression. Annabeth was quick to defend any female. She believed that women were just as good as men. Honestly, maybe even better. Kassia was always quick to agree and would fight any guy that tried to convince her otherwise.

"Holy Styx. Another Poseidon half-blood," Kassia grinned looking at Percy. She was more than ready for some excitement.

Chiron was quick to shut her down, and Kassia didn't fail to notice the grimace that crossed his face. "Not exactly."

What Kassia didn't realize, though, was that the pending commotion was not going to be just due to meeting a long-lost relative of her best friend, but was going to be her meeting an individual that was going to impact her life in a huge way.

Alright, my dudes!

Tyson is going to be arriving on the scene in the very next chapter <3

Get ready!

Eye See You (Tyson x O.C.) A Sea of Monsters StoryWhere stories live. Discover now