Chapter 1

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Kassia Lane Evans stood in front of packed-out bleachers, full of half-bloods screaming and chanting. They did not capture her attention, though. Her eyes were instead glued to the structure before her.

A tall, wooden tower stood before her in an open air arena, which was spread across packed dirt. Kassia couldn't help but snort at Camp Half-Bloods' version of a mundane rock climbing wall.

Instead of the multi-colored faux rocks that would usually be scattered across a flat wooden surface, metal rods poked in and out of four separate sides of the intimidatingly tall, column-like tower. The metal rods were constructed to be pushed in and out of the tower at will.

That was only the second stage of the wall.

The first stage consisted of several swaying rope ladders, which flapped in the wind due to the circular movement coming from their portion of the tower. Round and round the ladders went, almost at a dizzying speed.

These two stages of the rock-climbing wall were not what worried Kassia the most, though.

Instead, it was the numerous demigods that scrambled and clawed their way up the structure, trying to be the first one to reach the top and claim the green, glowing ring that would signify the winner.

Kassia winced as she saw one of her camp mates shove a metal rod into the wall with all her strength. The opposite end of the rod ,that barely peeked out from the other side of the structure, suddenly sprung out.

The force of the suddenly projecting rod sent a boy tumbling off the side of the wall as it caught him in the shoulder. On his way down, he crashed into another camper that was dangling from one of the rope ladders. Caught off guard, they tumbled off the structure as well.

As Kassia warily watched the tangle of arms and legs that now lay at the base of the tower, praying to the gods that her fate wouldn't be as unpleasant, she felt a presence come up beside her.

She could practically feel the waves of nervousness that radiated off of her childhood friend.

In the split second that their eyes met, Kassia knew that Percy saw the same amount of nervous energy in her eyes.

This is going to be fun.

Their attention was quickly drawn by another female demigod who came to a running stop on Percy's other side.

Clarissa LaRue, daughter of the god Ares, looked at her two competitors with a mix of smugness and mockery.

"How nice of you two to show up just to watch me win."

Percy's sarcasm and quick tongue never ceased to amaze Kassia. Her grin sprouted when she saw the smug grin completely disappear off Charisse's face when he snapped back,

"Everything they say about you is wrong, Clarisse. You actually do have a sense of humor."

The two girls were left standing as Percy sprinted off, jumping onto the structure to begin his ascent.

"Might want to close that, LaRue,"

The daughter of the war god swatted Kassia's hand away that she had attempted to close her gaping mouth with.

"You could catch a baby Fury with that."

With one last scowl from Clarisse and one last innocent grin from Kassia, the two brunettes ran to join in on the fray.

"Go, Kassia!"
"Come on, Percy!"

Percy and Kassia's good friends, Annabeth and Grover, stood on the sidelines cheering for their friends, who were climbing up the rope ladders with amazing agility. It was no brainer that the two demigods would be amazing warriors one day.

Eye See You (Tyson x O.C.) A Sea of Monsters StoryWhere stories live. Discover now