Chapter 5

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Kassia was completely frozen.

She couldn't move even if she wanted to.

The voice she heard belonged to someone she had previously believed to have been dead. Somewhere floating at the bottom of the Hudson River.

The voice also belonged to the one who had taken her heart, and instead of taking care of it, smashed it into the ground and stomped all over it. Therefore, the reason as to why she had decided to give up any chance to develop feelings for anyone.

But she couldn't deny that he was alive, especially when she saw his figure walking closer and closer to her and Percy through the dense smoke filling the air all around.

"Damn it, Jackson," none other than Luke Castellan spoke out into the polluted air. "Do you have any idea how hard Colchis bulls are to come by?"

Luke was now standing right in front of the two demigods. Even though his words were aimed at Percy, his eyes never strayed from Kassia. He gave her a lopsided grin, full of mischief, but Kassia remained staring at him with widened eyes of disbelief. She didn't trust herself to even attempt to say anything.

"Maybe next time you try to drown someone..." Luke continued, "you'll first make sure he's not a demigod who can swim."

Percy was just in as much disbelief as Kassia. He noticed Luke's stare on his friend, so he stepped forward to cover her slightly from his view. If he wasn't so beat up and on the brink of collapsing from exhaustion, he would pummel Luke right then and there.

"Luke?" Percy breathed out. Luke finally looked away from Kassia and instead at to Percy.

"Turns out, you're not the only half-blood who's hard to kill. You know, prophecy," the son of Hermes nonchalantly mentioned, as if the prophecy he spoke of was well-known knowledge.

"What prophecy?"
"What are you talking about?"

Kassia and Percy questioned him simultaneously.

Luke's eyes flickered to Kassia at the sound of her voice. Even though he had intentionally done her wrong, he couldn't deny the pull he still had towards the daughter of Apollo. But for Kassia, that string had been cut a long time ago.

"You don't know?" Luke prodded, turning once again to Percy. "Huh. Add that to the long list of things your buddy Chiron hasn't shared with you."

"Chiron, Mr. D, all the rest... they don't care about us. To them, we're just kids. A bunch of pawns meant to be pushed around, told what to do."

Percy and Kassia looked at each other, both assessing what Luke was divulging to them. Whatever was going on through that head of his couldn't be good.

"I'm not the only half-blood who thinks so," Luke ended his speech.

The two best friends could only look at him in confusion, processing his words. With one last wink to Kassia, which caused a scowl to spread across her face, Luke pulled out a golden-tinted disc. As Kassia warily watched the strange relic, it started to glow with a green hue.

"Think about it," Luke simply said, vanishing from sight. Whatever the disc had been, it seemed to have the power to transport the user wherever they wished.

With Luke gone, the two friends didn't waste any time and bolted, albeit limping, to go make sure everyone and camp was unhurt.


It didn't take Percy and Kassia long to make it to where the whole camp was gathered. Everyone was now around the outskirts of the camp in a huddle. Annabeth had been the first to realize how the Colchis bull had entered the camp.

Thalia's tree was dying.

Before Percy and Kassia had ever even learned they were the children of gods, Grover had been sent out to lead the daughter of Zeus to Camp-Half-blood. Her name had been Thalia. Along the way, Luke and Annabeth had also ended up with them as well.

They had almost reached the camp, but a pair of full-blooded cyclops had caught on to their scent and gave chase. In order to ensure the safety of her friends, Thalia had boldly stood up to the large monsters. Unfortunately, she had perished doing so.

Zeus would not let his daughter die in vain, though. He gave Thalia new life as a tall and sturdy pine; a pine that had a powerful ability. Because of Thalia's tree, the barrier around Camp Half-Blood was created. The barrier would not allow any human or creature without the blood of a god or goddess running through their veins to enter into the camp.

Kassia and Percy instantly knew what had happened to Thalia's tree after just one glance.

"Luke poisoned the tree," Percy said as soon as they limped into the middle of the crowd where their friends and Chiron were.

"Percy!" Annabeth exclaimed in relief. She ran to his side after seeing his battered figure as Grover did the same to Kassia. Tyson also had jumped to Kassia's side, promptly squishing her face between his calloused hands and bringing her face-to-face with him.

He moved her head from side to side, trying to make sure she wasn't too hurt while Grover watched them in amusement.

"Tyson," Kassia said to get Tyson's attention. When he looked in her eyes, she gave him a grin. "I look like a fish."

Tyson was confused by Kassia's statement at first. But he quickly realized what she meant. His grip on her cheeks squeezed them just enough so that her facial features squished into a fish-like expression.

"Sorry! Sorry," Tyson apologized, dropping her face. He did not step back an inch though, but Kassia didn't mind.

Kassia couldn't help but chuckle at the boy. She honestly found him endearing. "You don't always have to apologize, Tyson."

The cyclops gave her a relieved smile in response. He couldn't have explained just how refreshing those words were to him.

"Yay, you're alive," the brunette could hear the monotone voice of Clarisse. She had to fight with everything she had not to roll her eyes at the cynical girl. Leave it to Clarisse to be sarcastic at any given time of day.

"Yeah, I'm not the only one," Percy started to explain while ignoring Clarisse. "Luke let the bull in."

Tyson could physically feel Kassia stiffen next to him when Percy had said the name 'Luke.' He looked back down at her, but saw that she was disguising her discomfort, like it didn't affect her in the first place. His mind began to wonder who this 'Luke' person is, and why Kassia seemed to be uncomfortable with just the mention of his name.

He couldn't explain why, but his blood began to boil when his mind wondered to whether or not this person had hurt Kassia. He may have just met her, but he had an unexplainable need to make sure she was right as rain at all times.

"Without the tree's barrier...he probably figures there's enough demi-Titans out there to get him what he wants," Percy finished.

Kassia had been silently listening to Percy's accusations. She completely agreed with Percy, but she didn't have the energy at the moment to supply any words. All she could supply at the moment was the nodding of her head. Percy knew why she was uncharacteristically quiet, so he didn't have any reservations filling in for her.

"And that would be what, exactly?" Clarisse questioned Percy.

"Our annihilation, Ms. LaRue, Chiron supplied. "Our annihilation."

Kassia unintentionally leaned closer to Tyson as those words sunk in. Tyson felt the shift, and didn't waste a breathe by putting an arm behind her to rest on her upper back. She was thankful for the re-assurance, and would take it for how long it would last.

Things were about to get interesting.


Another chapter, woo!

I hope this story isn't complete trash. If you don't think so, please leave a comment or like. I would love to hear what y'all think!

In the meantime, hope y'all are having a great day, my dudes!

Eye See You (Tyson x O.C.) A Sea of Monsters StoryWhere stories live. Discover now