Chapter 7

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All of Camp Half-blood was heading out of the arena. There was a definite buzz in the air, which consisted of a mixture between fear for the next few days and hope that they would prevail through it.

Kassia was tight on Percy's heels as he dashed through the dispersing crowd. Annabeth, Grover, and Tyson were also close behind.

"Hey, Clarisse. Clarisse!" Percy began shouting when he caught sight of the brunette he was looking for. Hearing her name, the brunette came to a stop and looked back at the approaching group. Kassia warily approached Clarisse as well, wondering what Percy was up to. It seemed as Clarisse was wondering the same thing.

"What?" she quickly quipped in annoyance. Her eyes snapped to Kassia as she came to a stop beside them. Her scowl morphed into a impish grin. It was hard to get a reaction out of Percy, but she loved to get under his best friend's skin. It was so easy to rile her up.

"Don't worry about always coming in second, Jackson," she smugly told the demigod. "You do get used to it. I think, right? Obviously, I wouldn't know." Her grin grew even wider. "But Kassia may be able to give you some pointers."

Percy literally felt his best friend stiffen at the prodding. He knew it was only matter of time before Kassia snapped. Again.

"Listen, Luke is still out there," Percy jumped straight in, trying to hurry the conversation along as fast as possible. "He's involved with the Fleece somehow... and I've got a feeling that he's not done yet."

Clarisse seemed to be pondering over Percy's words.

Or not.

"Really? Because I've got a feeling that I don't really care."

Percy's face fell when he realized that Clarisse was not taking him seriously. Even worse, he knew that she had just angered the ticking-time-bomb beside him even more.

"Gosh, don't look so wounded?" she laughed in his face.

That was it for Kassia. She knew Clarisse was only trying to get a rise out of them, and it worked. Every time. So Clarisse continued. "Listen, there are generals, and there are foot soldiers. And you should feel lucky that you even made it into the army at all."

"Look here, miss general snowflake, I'm about to soldier my foot right up your....heeeeyyy!!!!!"

Kassia had finally snapped. But before she could take one more step toward the smug brunette, she was lifted into the air with a shriek by her waist.

"Tyson, put me down!"

The cyclops in question had one arm around Kassia's middle, securely holding her up off of the ground as she smacked at his grip. Living life in the wilderness all alone had taught him to be a keen observer. It didn't take much to realize that Kassia was about to pummel Clarisse, so he thought it was a good idea to stop her.

"I'm pretty sure that you can get in trouble for getting into a fight, or at least that is something I heard before."

"Oh, come on! Just one good hit! We can blame it on a flying rock!"

"Wait, you know rocks that can fly?"

"I've seen weirder things. Wait, no, that is a terrible idea. A flying fish then?"

Clarisse and the rest watched for a moment in disbelief as the cyclops toted Kassia away with hardly any effort, or without any effort at all really. It was quite a spectacle since they all knew Kassia was a force to be reckoned with.

Watching Kassia flail for just a moment more as their voices faded away in the distance, Clarisse turned back to Percy. She was annoyed that the cyclops had to ruin her fun. "Just try not to screw up anything too badly while I'm gone. Okay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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