chapter 4

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ducky was playing tag with littlefoot but she tripped over a root and scraped her knee.

"littlefoot please get help" ducky said as she held her knee

littlefoot ran trying to find help, he then found Ron helping spike reach some tree stars.

"Ron I need your help something is wrong with ducky" littlefoot said as he led Ron to ducky's location.

"ducky are you ok?" Ron asked.

"my knee hurts it does, it does" ducky said as she held her knee and softly cried.

"it's okay ducky I'll help you" Ron said as he picked up ducky and sat her down on a rock and grabbed some aloe and cut it with a makeshift axe and he used his fingers to scoop the gel out, he then rubbed the gel on Ducky's scraped knee.

a few hours later Ducky's knee was healed and she was happy.

"my knee is better it is, it is" ducky said as she walked over to her friends.

"that's great ducky do you want to come for a swim?" Ron asked.

oh yes, yes, yes" ducky said as she jumped into the water

Land before time: the visiter Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora