chapter 23

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sam had told Ron and the dinosaurs what she heard and they were all onboard with helping rescue sam's friend.

"me know what cave sam friend in" Petrie said as he flew high into the air then into the mysterious beyond, past the sheltering grass and to the cave of many voices.

it took hours but Petrie flew back and told the others where to go

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it took hours but Petrie flew back and told the others where to go.

a few minutes later they all entered the cave and saw a guy that looked like a cyborg with sam's friend

a few minutes later they all entered the cave and saw a guy that looked like a cyborg with sam's friend

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the cyborg guy turned around and looked at them and said "glad you could stop by... Ron" the cyborg guy said.

"how does he know my name?" Ron asked himself.

" wait victor is that you?" Ron asked.

"yes it's me" victor said.

"why are you doing this to me and all of my friends?" Ron asked.

"you see i wasn't always like this" victor said as a flashback happened.

flashback: in a orphanage in LA there lived two orphan brothers Ron and Victor Smith Ron was loved and accepted by all of the other orphan's whilst Victor was always bullied and picked on for being the only guy with long hair.

end of flashback:

"so you see I never meant to hurt anyone I just had so much pent up anger and sadness" victor said as he let go of Katie then kneeled the floor sobbing.

a few minutes later the ground started to shake.

" oh no earthshake "Ali said.

" wait for me victor said as he tried running after them but the earthshake knocked him back but victor held on to the edge of the cliff with very hungry sharpteeth at the bottom.

"help me" said victor.

"grab my hand" Ron said as he held his hand out.

victor grabbed Ron's hand and the two siblings were reunited once again

also Ozzy got eaten by the very hungry sharpteeth

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