chapter 32

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"has anyone seen ducky? I haven't seen her in twenty three days" Ron said.

"last time I saw her she was skipping stone's in the water" Cera said.

" I hope ducky is okay wherever she is" littlefoot said.

"with how little she is how much trouble could she get into" Ally said in response to littlefoot.

"since the grownups aren't going to look for ducky I say we do it ourselves" Ron said.

"but we don't know where she is" victor replied.

" hey Petrie why don't you fly up and see if you can spot ducky's footprint's" Ron said.

" oh why me" Petrie said to himself as he flew up, looking for ducky's footprint's.

" her footprint's end at mysterious beyond" Petrie said as he told the others.

"then let's go" Ron said as he began to walk towards the great wall that separated the great valley from the mysterious beyond.

"oh me no like this one bit" Petrie said as he followed them.

" what's the matter Petrie are you a scaredy egg? Cera asked with sarcasm.

"me big scaredy egg when it comes to mysterious beyond" Petrie replied.

they followed ducky's footprint's into the mysterious beyond much to the dismay of Petrie.

a few minutes later they reached chompers cave.

"this is the only place we haven't checked so far" Ron said.

" let's face it we're not going to find her" Cera said as she plopped down on the ground.

"is someone here?" ducky asked as she walked out of the cave.

"ducky!"everyone exclaimed as they all ran towards her and hugged her

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