the great flood

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a group of Mosasaurs were jumping in and out of the water but the impact from this caused a little crack in the great wall and water started to spew out and slowly flood the great valley.

Ron and the other humans were playing hide and seek with the dinosaurs while this was going on.

"Petrie did you make the sky water mad again?" Cera asked as she felt like she was standing in water which she was.

"me no make sky water mad honest" Petrie replied.

the game was immediately over after they all realized that they couldn't continue.

" uh oh" Ron said as he saw the grownups approaching them.

"come on Cera" her dad said.

Cera scoffed under her breath as she walked up to her dad.

"let's go Petrie" his mom said.

"but mom" Petrie said as he flew to his mom.

"come on littlefoot let's go" his grandpa said.

"aw man" littlefoot said as he went with his grandpa.

Mr threehorn then approached Ron "this flood is all your fault" Mr threehorn said as he scoffed before finally walking away.

"I can't believe he thinks this is my fault" Ron said to himself.

" are you ok Ron?" Samantha asked.

"they all think the flood is my fault" Ron said.

"I have an idea I do, I do ducky said"

" what is your idea ducky?" Ron asked.

" we could ask Mr thicknose for help" ducky said in response to Ron's question.

"great idea ducky" Ron said.

a few minutes later they all went to see Mr thicknose for help.

"Mr thicknose we need your help" Ron said.

"what do you need help with?" Mr thicknose asked.

" there's a flood happening in the great valley and all the other grownups think that it's my fault but I want to prove them wrong by stopping the flood so will you help?" Ron asked.

" yeah I'll help you "Mr thicknose replied.

Mr thicknose helped them get rid of the broken tree's and bushes.

"okay now we use mud to patch up the hole everyone grab some mud and put it on the hole" Ron said as they all used mud to patch up the hole in the wall.

a few minutes later the mud soon dried and the flood was gone and Ron and his family were known as the heroes of the great valley

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