chapter 7

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ducky and littlefoot were playing hide and seek, and ducky accidentally hid inside of a thorn bush.

a few minutes into the game and littlefoot found ducky in a thorn bush.

"ducky what are you doing in a thorn bush?" littlefoot asked.

" this is a thorn bush? I did not know" ducky said in response to littlefoot's question.

"I'll help you out" littlefoot said as he carefully lowered his neck into the thorn bush to get ducky out.

"thank you littlefoot thank you" ducky said as she climbed up on littlefoot's neck.

as littlefoot was helping ducky out of the thorn bush her finger got cut by one of the thorns.

littlefoot brought ducky over to the pond where the others were hanging out.

"ducky are you ok" asked Ron.

"my finger hurts and I do not like it no, no, no" ducky said as tears slowly trickled down her face.

"it's okay ducky" Ron said as he picked up ducky and sat her on the same rock as yesterday, he used his finger to wipe her tears, after that he got some water from the pond and scooped it up with a wooden cup.

"now hold still" Ron said as he slowly poured the water on Ducky's finger.

*ow it burns, it does, it does" ducky said.

"okay now to get this thorn out " Ron said to himself as he got his pocket knife and used the tweezers on it to get the thorn.

a few minutes later he got the thorn out, after that blood started coming out.

"why is there red water coming out of me?" ducky asked.

*that's called blood. ducky and we all have it in us" Ron said.

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