Chapter 1 - Reunited

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As the plane landed at the London airport, and I made my way through a crowd of people, my mind was absent of all thoughts. The sinking feeling in my stomach I was trying to avoid oh-so-desperately kept growing and pulling me down with it. I walked into the lobby, my heart tense, and then sinking completely when I wasn't greeted by any familiar faces. I was only naturally so - I didn't exactly tell them I was coming. I didn't tell them anything. I don't remember the last time I talked to them, to him, and even if I did have it stored somewhere in my memory, I would have pushed it down to the deepest and darkest recesses of my mind so that it could finally stop haunting me.

As I was checking out my luggage and making my way to the cab I had called, my stomach twisted and turned more and more. It was my fault. 100 percent of it. I couldn't blame anyone else for how things turned out. But even if I could, would it have made any difference? Would I be granted piece of mind? Would time turn back to give me another chance?

It was too late to think about any of that, and I knew it too damn well. It wasn't even them I came back here for. It was more of a thing of necessity, or that's what I told myself while I was secretly hoping and praying that...but it was too late. I had already given that up.

He next hour or so was a total blur. The cab let me off at my new address, I paid, and looked at the apartment complex standing tall, cold and intimidating in front of me. I took my heavy suitcases under each arm, and with large bags hanging from both my shoulders I was prepared to open the entrance door, when all of a sudden-

'Hey, let me get that for you.'

The blood flowing through my body ran cold in my veins. I could recognise that voice anywhere. I could be on my death bed, and if that voice addressed me, I'd spring back to life. It couldn't be, yet despite all of it-

I turned my head to face the person addressing me, one of my bags already draped over his shoulder. That face. That stupid face that wouldn't stop wrecking my psyche with guilt. That face which I fell in love with these years ago. It was looking right at me. It was right in front of me, static, physical, and oh-so-real. The beating in my chest was so loud I could hear its alarmed thumping in my ears, breaking through the deafening silence.

I was hoping he didn't recognise me. Or better yet, even tho this was exactly what I was hoping for, that it was just an illusion ora misguided daydream. He was there, right where I left him. And unfortunately for me, he did recognise me.

'(Y/N)?' he said, his usual energetic tone I was so used to dissipating into a breathless whisper, pathetically hanging on.

I paused for a bit, tearing my eyes from his face and planting my gaze down at my feet. 'Yes. Yes, it's me Matt.'

To my great surprise, instead of saying anything further, instead of questions and guilt and pain, he suddenly wrapped his arms around me, lifting me up ever so slightly, and planting his soft lips onto mine. In that moment my mind went blank. I teleported back into the good past,the past I hoped daily I could fix, the past that seemed destroyed beyond repair. This feeling, the taste, the smell, the warmth. The feeling of him kissing me,his hair falling down on my face gently and his skin pressing agains mine was the my favourite memory I thought I would never get to experience again, except maybe in a painful daydream if I let my mind wander too far out.

'Please don't never leave me again.' he whimpered, a warm tear falling onto my cheek from our face being mere centimetres apart.

'Matt' was all I could muster, as I cupped his cheek in my right palm, placing one of his ginger locks behind his ear.

'What's all this about.' sounded another familiar voice breaking me from the tenderness of the moment I just experienced.
'Tom.' I said, looking over at him, straightening myself up.
'Why are you back here.' he said, plainly, and coldly. My cheeks flushed and I was teleported back into a reality which made more sense, that was as barren as I deserved it to be. 'I thought you fucked off forever.'

Reunited [Matt x Reader] [Eddsworld]Where stories live. Discover now