Chapter 7 - Deliberate

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'So what's this new job you've got, anyways?' Matt asked, as he helped me dust the furniture in my new bedroom, which I wasn't even planning on sleeping in now that we got "reacquainted".

I stopped briefly, not sure how to answer that question. To be honest, I didn't know the answer to that myself. I didn't exactly get a job description, and I accepted on very vague terms which should have definitely been a red flag for me, but I chose to ignore it because of the fact that my self-preservation instincts were severely fried at the time.

'I honestly don't know. It's something related to technology since they are some sort of tech company. At least that's what their representative told me via email. They said I was "the only person that can do the job", but given that I don't really have any unique skills on me I'm not really sure what they meant by that. They're the ones that are paying for everything. they paid for this flat, they paid for my plane, and the salary itself is really good, so I took it. I mean...I'd hardly get employed any other way, so it was honestly really lucky.' I stared at the dresser I was currently dusting, and I reprocessed everything that I knew about this job offer in the first place. Saying it all out loud made it all feel all the more strange.

Matt seemed none the wiser to the general strangeness of this situation, as he continued to hum a tune while he helped me out. 'That's nice.' he responded simply with a smile plastered on his face as per usual. 'I hope it's nothing too hard for you since I'll be wanting you to come back home energetic.' he cooed.

I didn't register that last comment, because I was still re-processing everything. 'Hold that thought.' I said, an idea in my brain, as I ran out of my flat and knocked on Tom's door.

After a brief moment, he opened the door, looking as disgruntled as ever. '(Y/N).' he spoke, barely even a greeting. It was obvious he was trying his best to convey that he wasn't interested in talking to me right now, the door itself only being opened just enough so I could see him.

'Tom. I need a favor.' I spoke, a bit breathless after running out of my apartment.

'Why don't you ask Matt for help? Or even Edd for that matter. Why would you go to me?' he asked, a bit bewildered. I mean, it was reasonable for him to be confused, but I knew that I could count on him the best with this one.

'This is important're good at sensing danger. I don't think Matt or Edd...' I considered my next words carefully. I loved them with my whole heart, and I didn't want to say anything hurtful. 'I love them, you know that Tom, but they are...'

'Scatterbrained? Irresponsible? Easily distracted?' he started listing. I'm sure he had a similar list of adjectives like that pertaining to me stored in his brain, and that it was 10 times as long.

'You're reliable is what I'm trying to say. Anyways, I took this job, and that's why I'm here, and it's all a bit strange. know I wasn't exactly thinking when I took it...and basically what I'm trying to say here is...' I took a piece of paper out of my pocket and scribbled an address on it.'If there is ever a time when I don't come home at the usual time and I don't announce that I'm late...please search for me.' I said, handing him the piece of paper.

He took the piece of paper and looked at it, then back up at me. 'What makes you think I'll jump to your rescue and don't just throw this in the bin.'

I laughed a bit and smiled down at him. 'Because you always did. I know you care, Tom. That much is very certain. You care about your friends and...if you ever needed help with anything I'd be there for you too.'

Tom sighed as he rolled his "eyes", before stepping back and starting to close the door. 'Yeah, sure, whatever.' he said in a tone that indicated he's got my back but in an 'I want you to know I'm annoyed about this' way.

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