Chapter 6 - Excitable

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I did not even realize when I had fallen asleep last night, but I found myself groggily waking up to face a brand new day, my eyelashes stuck together as I blinked my eyes open.

The first thing I sensed was the warmth that enveloped me, as I became aware that I was being spooned by Matt, his face buried in the crook of my neck, his body, warm from sleep heating mine. He seemed to still be asleep, his face peaceful and his skin smooth, with no sign of the worry crease that formed by his eyebrows last night.

I look down at his arm, laid across my waist, his elbow bent and his hand pressing up on my upper stomach, right under my chest. I turned my head slightly, to give him a small kiss on top of his head, and I got to experience the scent of him fresh in the morning again. It was exactly how I remembered it. I shouldn't be surprised, his body didn't start producing a different smell over the span of 5 years, but I could still appreciate the sense of familiarity and comfort it brought me.

'Morning, sweetheart' he suddenly whispered, his voice a bit raspy from just having woken up.

I brought my hand up to his cheek slightly and turned my body more to face him. His skin was hot to the touch and felt pleasant underneath my fingertips. He was absolutely covered in faint freckles, which complemented his complexion beautifully. There simply wasn't anything about him that I didn't adore.

'Matt..' I mumbled, as I leaned in breathlessly, and planted a gentle kiss on his warm lips. He reciprocated instantly without a word as he pulled me closer and smiled into the kiss, his hot breath bouncing off my skin in a way that gave me goosebumps. His smile turned into a small chuckle, as he pulled me on top of him, which earned him a soft sound of surprise from me.

'Hmm... you know I could get used to this again.' I whispered against his perfect lips as I lay contently against him.
'You will get used to this again. I'll make sure of that, sweetheart.' he replied as cheerfully as he usually spoke, but I could tell he was being serious about this. And, for once, I was done avoiding. I want nothing more than for him to keep to that word.

As the reality of the morning fully set into my brain, I let out a small groan and buried my face into his chest. 'I can't believe I start work tomorrow, and I haven't even cleaned my flat or done anything productive.'

Matt caressed my hair as he sighed. 'You don't need to think about all that. I finally have you back where you belong again, let me enjoy it~' he whispered as he began to give a gentle nibble to the sensitive spot under my ear right where my neck started. I let out an involuntary whimper as he did this, and I grabbed his arms to stabilize myself.

'Besides, we have a lot of catching up to do in the physical intimacy category, don't we?'

My face reddened slightly and I pulled back a bit. 'I don't know Matt... I'm...'

The words were having trouble forming in my brain. 'I don't think I'm well enough yet for any...' I looked down at him, lying below me, his big blue eyes looking up at me. 'Don't give me that look...' I sighed as I hid my face in the pillow, my face covered in a deep blush. As I lay there, my face buried in the pillow, I felt his soft lips press behind my ear, his hand running up my back, so I reluctantly looked up at him.

'You're my biggest weakness, you know that? I couldn't stop thinking about you the entire time we were apart. I think you destroyed me.' I said with a soft giggle, as I pressed myself closer to him. 'That sounds so fucking cheesy, and I'm fully aware of that, but I do mean it. My brain is in a state of disrepair. I can't stop thinking about you.' I cupped his cheeks and brushed my fingers along his skin before suddenly being overcome with an overpowering urge to wrap my entire body around him which I couldn't repress, so I acted on it, burying my face in the crook of his neck.

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