When Universes Collide

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On Beerus's planet Goku, Vegeta, Y/n, and Gohan were training as the threat of Black Frieza loomed over them, like a bomb ready to explode.

Goku continued his training with Whis to hone his own Ultra Instinct as Vegeta did the same with Beerus and his Ultra Ego, but both Gohan and Y/n didn't train with anyone, they only trained in their heads with image training as Whis got a brilliant idea that even Beerus wished to see.

Whis: let us have a competition, a free for all you might say between you four.

Gohan: What for?

Whis: why to test your might of course.

Whis chuckled to himself.

Whis: Lord Beerus believes himself to be the better master and well, I simply disagree.

Y/n: this should be fun.

Beerus (off in the distance with snacks and drinks): Whis, call the Kais here!

Goku: why would you do that?

Whis: well it was them who started Gohans path to become what he is now, it's only fair they see the fruits of their labor.

Vegeta: this is a great opportunity to see your new found strength Gohan.

Gohan: hehe, I'll do my best.

Goku: what about y/n, didn't they also help him in his training?

Y/n: no, not them at least.

Goku: Huh? Then who?

Whis: the very person Lord Zeno erased back in Trunks timeline, Zamasu.

Goku: huh?

Y/n: it's true...to be able to stand where I am today, it was all thanks to their efforts in making me stronger, even if they wanted to eradicate mortal life.

Shortly after Whis called the kais, Shin, Kibito, and Elder Kai arrived on Beerus's planet.

Shin: um...is there a reason we were summoned Lord Beerus?

Beerus: I'm going to prove I'm better than you!

Shin: um......ok?

Whis laughed behind his hand before speaking.

Whis: Lord Beerus wished to see who's the better master of their students, and after all, it was the kais who pushed Gohan onto the path he is now.

Shin: Oh! Then I hope Gohans training will satisfy us, he does have the most potential out of the four of them.

Beerus: pfft! You wish.

Whis: well then, it's time to begin.

Whis floated above the four fighters.

Whis: you will fight at full power, nothing less will be accepted, whoever stands last is the winner, Now then.

Whis twirled his staff before slamming the end on the ground.

Whis: Begin!

Vegeta: I will finally beat you Kakarot, time to show you what Ultra Ego can really do.

Goku: I'm pumped up Vegeta, Y/n, Gohan, let's give it our all!

Y/n: of course.

Gohan: I'll do my best.

In a colorful explosion, all fighters transformed to their full might and were in a standoff before Vegeta moved in on Goku and Y/n on Gohan.

Y/n: Prepare yourself Gohan.

Gohan: let's Go!

Gohan and y/n clashed Fists as the ground beneath gave way to make a large crater as then Gohan quickly moved his legs up and kicked y/n square in the gut, sending him flying up.

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