Significantly yours,Judy

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Dear Christine

            My love, Christine It's our ten year anniversary. Ten years since both of us vowed at the alter 'till death do us apart', but alas, you were the first to go. I thought that 'till death do us apart' meant we would, and should die together, but for that to not be the truth, I do not know, but then again here I stand at the edge of the building we spent our honeymoon in, in where I caught my ex-boyfriend in the act... This place has a lot of memories, good and bad, but more bad than you thought. For this building, it holds the death of my beloved mother. The person who was there for me when no one else was. And here I stand at the very block that my mother stood at, the edge where she told me goodbye forever and where your death can be seen picture perfect. And in the last remaining minutes in my life, I jump. I jump in happiness, fear, and freedom. I am sorry that I failed, failed you, and our promise to one another. And as this letter comes to an end, I would like to say that I love, loved you, and till death do us apart. forever.

           Significantly yours,

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