The Final Destination.

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The final destination is where we stop - it's where we leave our hopes behind and therefore our lives. It is where we die its where we give up - it's where we see our loved ones and it's also where we get to hold, touch, and see them for eternity - and that is where we now start our journey

Aria - a beautiful, lonely widow was standing on the peak of a mountain where she planned to jump off from... where she planned to finally meet her love - her wife.

She sobs quietly as she looks down onto the high drop below, memories of her screaming and running to her wife to stop... she sees visions of her wife saying "I love you" to her for the last time as she fell, and fell... until she was no more - she didn't know what she did wrong...

She screams "Why!?" Though, even she knows that the gods above couldn't answer her for the question was useless.. useless to life.

She look back down to her near demise as she walks back a bit until she backs up into a tree... she gets into a position and starts running - as she gets closer and closer she smiles and thinks about her wife and how happy they will be anytime soon.

She leaps... she dives... and she dies.
A sad chapter to end the story for once and for all. Thank you all for the ever loving support you have given me! I love you all!

Also, remember even if you feel down about loosing someone - always remember they are in a better place now, a place where they can rest for all eternity. And never damage yourself out of grief.


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