Its just me and you

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Tyler's pov

The sound of birds chirping wakes me up. I try moving but something strong is holding me back. My hearts begins pounding like crazy. The thing moves and I hear a groan. Wait what?! I strain my neck to look behind me and my nose collides with Trevor's chin. Holy crap!! He slept here tonight? Then I remember us coming here yesterday. Oh.

'You sure do have a bad memory sometimes.'

'And whose fault is that?'

'Woah! Woah! Hey. What are you talking about?'


'Look whose telling me to relax. You know you went crazy yesterday.'


'You had your bad dream again.'

'Oh man.'

'Yeah. And you were begging Trevor not to leave you alone. You even told him to hold  you tight and not let go.'

'For real?'

I look down and realize that Trevor's arm is around me pretty tight. The guy's like super strong. I tried competing with him once in a fight and I was at full power and he wasn't even a quarter. My wolf got so frustrated and oh man, it was bad.

'So I guess I'm gonna lie here until he wakes.'

'Yeah man. But I'll have to admit. It's comfortable.'

I turn so that Trevor and I are facing each other. He readjusts his arm but doesn't wake . Damn he's a deep sleeper.

I run my fingers up and down his cheek. He groan and I know he likes it. I smile to myself. I can't believe how much smitten I am by him. To the point that I became a bottom? I kiss his chin and his grip on my waist tightens.

"I really don't know what you did to me. Sometimes I imagine that maybe you bewitched me but I immediately cancel that thought. I really really like you. I might as well have fallen in love with you. Who knows?"

I lift my head and kiss in between his eyebrows. I can't believe how tall he is.

"I know you are worried about me and I'm sorry. I just don't know how to talk to you about it. I have treated you badly and you still stayed. I've been so cruel to you sometimes that I even find myself crying about it. But I have no choice. I know you think this is all because of your dad and you are right. Your father, the devil, showed me some disturbing scenes that day. Honestly I still get nightmares. I can't remember what he showed me vividly but it had something to do with you and me and it was ugly. He told me to stay away. I knew I couldn't but he told me that it was to protect you. I had no choice."

His hands tighten around me and I know that he's listening. But this is better than his eyes boring into mine.

"I'm sorry. But I had to find a way of making you dislike me. I didn't want you to hate me. I just wanted you to not want to be around me anymore. I'm so sorry Trevor. I'm so sorry."

His eyes slowly open and he's got a hurt look. I try but I fail to prevent the sob that escapes my mouth. He stares at me for a while with the flames on and they are burning right to my soul.

"I'm sorry. Please say something. Please..."

My sobs grow louder. He pulls me in in one swift move and hugs me. I let it all out. He rubs my back and smoothens my hair making me cry even more.

"I'm not leaving. Forget what my dad told you to do. Its just me and you."

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