I won't let you leave

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Trevor's pov

I am freaking out of my fucking mind!!! Ty doesn't want me around anymore. And the way he snapped at me...this is not gonna end well.

'Just chill.'

'Chill?? Fiz, he doesn't wanna see me anymore. Now that he knows we're brothers I don't know if he'll ever speak with me. And the fact that I really really love him doesn't help the situation. So no Fiz. I'm not gonna chill.'


What is he up to now? Should I be worried? Of course I should be...


I feel like someone has punched me through the heart. He's here. Oh my...he's fucking here!! I turn around and he's looking at me with teary eyes. He walks towards me and keeps quite a distance between us. The most painful part of this is that I can't move forward.

"I...I...I wanna say that I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier. It's just that findind out that I've been sleeping with my 'brother'... I don't know. For a moment I even thought that it was Kyle. Umm...the thing is I don't wanna let you go yeah? I know its wrong in the eyes of people but what they don't know can't hurt them. Plus, you're the son of our very own lucifer so its not like you're waiting to go to heaven right..."


"Bad joke? Anyway, I'm saying that I love you. Even though its a little bit...okay very weird now that I know you are my 'brother', I still want you. I've never wanted someone this much and the fact that my wolf likes you makes me even more convinced that you are the one for me. And...and I'm sorry Trev."

Trev??? Okay...This is gonna be harder that I expected it to be.

"Sorry but this can't work. I have to leave."

"What do you mean by that?"

Damn it! Now he's crying.

"I have to stay away from you. The fact that you are my brother is nothing. Hell...I don't give a crap about that. But I can't do that to you. You've said it yourself. This is very weird for you and I don't wanna make you suffer in any way."

"What?! No! That's not what I meant."

"It's okay."

" I can't let you go."

"Tyler, you have to. It was never meant to be."

"No! I want you and I'm not gonna let you leave."

He growls at me. Damn I've really gotten to him. I just wanted him to admit to himself that he loves me that much. And you know me. I never run away from anything. And I sure as hell know about my wolf's and his wolf's thing.

'Hey hey. Leave me out of it. You're the one making him mad.'

I move closer and closer to him and he looks down.

"Look at me."


"Look at me Tyler."

"Please. I can't. Don't do this to me. Please."

I put my index finger on his chin to make him look at me. But he closes his eyes. So stubborn.

"Come on now. Open your eyes."


Well, I'm also stubborn. I lean in closer and kiss him. This catches  him by surprise and he opens his eyes. See? I always get what I want.

"Why did you do that?"

I lean in to kiss him again and he pulls away. Ouch.

"Stop messing  with me. Please. You tell me that you are leaving and then kiss me! Come on Trevor."



"I like it when you call me Trev."

"Seriously now?! I can't believe you right now! You..."

"Hey. Relax. I just wanted you to admit to yourself that you love me and wouldn't give up on us even if we are 'brothers'. Coz I know I can't. I fucking love you Tyler and I really want you to understand that. I would never leave. Not unless you tell me to."

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