【Chapter 2】

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To Weiming, it was a normal day. He woke up and headed off to school. He met up with Captain and then after morning practice, headed off to class. He sat in his usual seat, the loud banter and chatter surrounded him. He wasn't expecting much besides another day of long lectures and practice for the upcoming competitions. 

The morning bell rang, signaling for students to be in their seats before their homeroom teacher, Ms. Jing arrived. She entered the classroom, her right arm clutching a couple books and the roll book to her chest. As she got settled, she began calling out students' names as they reciprocated with a simple, "Here." As she was getting to the last couple names on her list, a knock interrupted her mid sentence. 

"Let me get that. Please stay seated and I'll be right back," Ms. Jing instructed. Light chatter began surfacing the classroom as students became curious about the knock. 

"What do you think is going on?"                             "Dunno. You think it's a new student?"

             "probably! Hopefully it's a cute guy!"      "If anything, we need more gals at the school!" 

As all this was happening, some failed to notice the young girl that lingered by the door as Ms. Jing addressed the students. "Alright so we have a new student class, please welcome her and you may come in!" 

Weiming had no interest in the new kid. Boy or girl, didn't matter to him. He already had eyes on someone else and if it was a guy he wasn't really planning on hanging out with anyone outside his friends on the team. That was until... he heard their voice... 

"Hi, I'm Y/N, L/N. It's nice to meet you all and please take care of me!"

His head shot up, his eyes wide. 'No way. No way was it actually her! She left years ago! She's back?!' He scanned over you, zeroing in on the bracelet that she wore. 'I-It's the bracelet I gave her! She actually kept it!' 

"Now. Please sit next to Sima Yiwu, Yiwu, raise your hand please," Ms. Jing instructs. Broken out of his trance, Weiming watches Y/N as she walks over towards her friend. She gives him a friendly smile as she settles in her new seat. 

He couldn't believe his childhood best friend had been right there in front of him. At his school. Ms. Jing's voice broke him out of his train of thought. "Alright so beginning today's lessons..." 



"That's it for today! I'll see you all tomorrow!" Mr. He, the math teacher, said, dismissing the class for the day. Weiming quickly packed up his stuff before standing in front Y/N's desk, shifting on his feet nervously. Y/N looked up at him, her eyes displaying curiosity and a sense of welcoming. Gulping, Weiming took a deep breath before talking. 

"ha pasado un tiempo mi melodía," he said, his smile slightly wonky. Y/N's eyes squinted in glee, quickly standing up to hug him. 

'He remembered! I'm so happy!' She thought. 

"Weiming! How have you been? I missed you so much!" she squealed. 

"I've been good! You still in that band melodía?" Weiming replied, slightly taken aback by the sudden physical contact. 

"Yea I am! You still listen to the music on that MP3 I gave you so long ago?" Y/N asked. Weiming was going to reply, but a cough interrupted them... 

Pulling apart, Yiwu was standing there awkwardly. "So... Weiming... this your girl?" He asked. Y/N blushed a light pink, panic rising in her expression.


"No. She's not. She's an old friend," Weiming defended.

Yiwu didn't fail to notice Y/N's quiet defeated sigh. It peaked his curiosity as to what led to it, but didn't make mention of it. "Ah. Well, we got practice Weiming. Let's go before Captain gets on our butts about it," he said, successfully changing the subject. Weiming nodded in agreement, turning to Y/N.

"Would you like to come with us? You could meet the rest of the team!" He offered. Y/N shook her head.

"Sorry. I can't. I have band practice today! I've gotta actually head out right now if I don't want to be late! I'll see you tomorrow Weiming!" Y/N said. She waved farewell as she ran out the classroom.

Weiming sighed as she left, walking out the classroom with Yiwu as they went off to meet the others for practice... 

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