【Chapter 12】

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She turned her head to see a girl, somewhat around her own age, looking down at her sitting form. "Are you alright?" She repeated. Y/N looked into the girl's eyes, searching for her true intentions. Finding them pure enough, she sighed and shook her head. 

"Not necessarily." She vaguely replied. The stranger hummed and starting moving in the swing while thinking to herself. 

"Well, I'm sure whatever you're going through, you'll get through it." she blurted. Y/N looked at her with a grateful smile, but shook her head. 

"How do you know that for sure?" She asked. 

"I don't. However, you look like someone who's strong. I'll let you to your thoughts, but know that there's always hope, no matter how horrible the situation may seem." The stranger said before leaving. 


The next couple of weeks went by as normally as Y/N could hope. Weiming seemed to be very interested in something because he was constantly ditching plans with Y/N. On one occasion, he ditched her so easily and so quickly...

"Weiming! Hey!" Y/N called out, running to catch up with him. He stopped momentarily, bouncing in place, as if he was eager to leave. 

"Yeah, what's up?" He hurriedly replied. His eyes were darting around a lot, not focusing on a specific thing. 

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to band practice with me! I have a couple songs I wanted to get reviewed." Y/N offered, her smile gentle as ever. 

He shook his head, sighing,"I'm sorry, but I'm busy. I have to go do something for someone. I'll see you some other time alright?" He then ran off, leaving a slightly shocked Y/N behind. 

Eventually, she got tired of his constant excuses and went to the tennis team to hopefully get some answers. Weiming was out doing whatever it might have been that he was making an excuse for again, so she wasn't worried about having his prying eyes on her. 

She had waited on the side of the courts until they took a break and that's when she made her move. She walked up to Xu Ziping, stopping in front of him as he was drinking from his bottle. He noticed her waiting-figure and gave her a questioning glance. Y/N took a nervous breath before asking him bluntly, 

"Where has Weiming being going that he makes excuses and lies to my face?" 

Ziping gave her a confused expression, "I thought he was with you when he wasn't at practice." 

Now she gave him an unsure look, "He's been avoiding and ditching plans with me for the past couple weeks."

"Well then where the hell has Weiming been going?" Ziping questioned aloud. Y/N sat down on the bench, her head running a million miles a minute. Ziping sat next to her, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. 

"I'll ask the team and try to get you and me a straight answer by the end of practice. In the meantime, you can stay here and wait for us, unless you have practice?" Ziping offered. 

"No I don't today. if you don't mind me being here then I'll take you up on that offer." She sighed tiredly. He silently nodded in agreement with her before turning to his team. 

"Alright time to get back to practice! Break is over!" He ordered. The team nodded and got back to practicing. 


As the team was packing up, Ziping remembered his words to Y/N, clearning his throat to catch the team's attention. They looked at him expectantly, giving him the chance to ask them, 

"Do any of you know where the hell Weiming has been for the past couple weeks when he skips practice?" 

The team looked between one another and most shrugged, Yiwu looked the most confused, "I thought he was with Y/N all the time." Ziping shook his head in denial. 

"Y/N said he has been ditching plans made with her and avoiding her in general for a while." 

This threw the team off, all but a couple guys seemed to have an idea where he might have been going. She wasn't going to be happy about it either. 

"Captain, I think we might have a hunch on where he's been going..." They turned to see Wei Kefei and Chen Desen raising their hands. They were not excited to be throwing their friend under the bus, but it was not only their captain who was unaware, but Weiming's childhood friend. 

"Where?" Ziping inquired. 

"He's been hanging out with Xingzi..." 

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