Fight this Feeling

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You place your small bag down on the large round table in the middle of the room, sitting down in one of the chairs then, pulling a piece of parchment out of your bag. You use the quill and ink on the table and write a quick owl to your mom and Poppy so that they wouldn't worry about your absence.

"Are you hungry?" Sebastian asks, "We can go to Hogsmede if you are?" he joins you at the table, and places his hand gently on your knee.

"I'm okay for now, I'd like to just relax if that's okay?" you say scooting closer to him, you feel torn, is this a flirtatious touch or is he just being nice?

He nods, rubbing your knee slightly with his thumb.

"What happened earlier?" he asks with worry in his voice.

"I've been-" you pause, do I unload this on him? surely he would understand, "It's been a difficult summer" you look into his eyes, hoping he doesn't pry.

He leans towards you in the chair, "That's ok, you don't have to tell me, what matters is, that your ok now"

You don't know how to feel, he is getting closer to me, What does he want? He surely can't think that i'd want to do anything with him... Right?

Sebastian sits with you at the table watching you finish up your letters, every time you look over at him you catch his eyes, you smirk and feel warm each time.

What is this feeling? Do I let this flourish? I shouldn't, It's not right. Not after all that's happened.

Your mind is racing, your knee starts jumping. Sebastian notices and starts to rub your knee again
"Do you want me to give you space?" He asks as you start to fold up the letters.

You turn to him, inches from his face, you want to kiss him, but at the same time, that's the last thing you want.

You fight it, turning away.

Sebastian gently grabs your chin, pulling it to his face, close enough to feel the heat off of his face. He kisses you, your face becomes hot and red. You bring your hands to his shoulders, out of instinct, he pulls back, smiling.

"You have no clue how long i've wanted to do that Y/N" He leans in again, placing another kiss on your forehead.

You have no clue how long i've wanted that either, But I can't let this flourish, not while i'm so unsure. Not while I still haven't come to terms with everything that's happened in the last year. I'm still hurt, I still feel like an errand boy to him.

I push away from him, "I know" you let out, not realizing it sounded quite dismissive.

Sebastian's smile fades, unsure of what just transpired. "Let's get ready for bed, it's getting late and we have quite a long journey tomorrow" he says while getting up from the table.

~Edit: I added a bit more context as to why Y/N is reluctant to give into her feelings ~

Those damn brown eyes: A Hogwarts Legacy storyWhere stories live. Discover now