Chapter 4

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"My baby!" the woman cried, clutching the squalling child close. "She healed my baby! There's a healer in town again!" The woman ran off, shouting at the top of her lungs.

"Come with me," Musara said, grabbing the girl's hand. "I have yet to heal you and you'll be mobbed if you don't get off the street."

"I... don't mind healing people," the girl replied as she struggled to keep up with the priestess's hurried pace.

"Nor do I," Musara replied. "But, everyone in this city is desperate. Who knows what some of them will do, once they hear you're a healer. Better for you to be protected. You can heal people as you like, but in a safe place, where they can't mob you, abduct you, or worse."

They ran up the temple steps, Musara shouting for the guards as the two women finally made it inside.

"Priestess?" one breathless guard asked, clutching his chest as he gasped. "You called? I came right away..."

Musara nodded. "Thank you, Tavin. Yes. Tell the captain of the temple guards I want a team assigned to protect our new lord. The people are desperate; there's no telling what they may do."

"A—a team, priestess?" the guard asked. "We... already barely have enough to protect you here in the temple, my lady, since the last assault. I don't know if we can spare—"

"A team of four should do. That leaves us with six, I believe. Enough to guard two women and the sacred altar." She began striding through the tall stone arches of the hallway, the girl and guard keeping pace. "Also, this girl here is our special guest and under our protection. I need to consult with her, and we are not to be disturbed."

"Yes, priestess," the guard replied, bowing low before hurrying off.

"Come along," Musara said, gesturing the girl farther down the hall. "I apologize for the distance, but I think the farther receiving hall will be better for right now."

"You're worried the people will rush the temple to get to me for healing," the girl guessed as they walked.

"Yes," Musara replied as she pushed open a plain wooden door. "Desperate people can do crazy things. The day Lord Delven was crowned, the day after the hill erupted and the plague began, the frightened and desperate people mobbed the high priest."

As they settled into plush chairs by a fireplace, Musara poured water from a pitcher into two clay cups and handed one to the girl. "Every time a lord is crowned, Messor Vitavi grants one healing to the hands of his ranking faithful, as I'm sure you know." Musara sighed, looking into her cup as she said, "The swarming mob killed High Priest Eldar in their frenzy to beg for healing. Trampled him to death. No one was healed that day." She tipped back her head, draining her glass.

"Oh," the girl said quietly, fingers toying with her cup. "I'm sorry... I didn't realize..."

"So, extra guards for our new lord, so the desperate don't decide they want another lord's coronation so soon, and yes, guards for you, as well, so those eager for your gifts don't harm you." Musara set her cup aside. "May I know your name?"

"Jezra, my lady. But, my friends just call me Jez."

Musara smiled at her and held out a hand. The girl took it, smiling hesitantly back. "Jezra. It is nice to meet you. I'm amazed there's still any healers left—all the healers in the city died in the first week after the plague began. They were all working so hard to stop the tide of sickness that it swallowed them." Musara squeezed the girl's hand before releasing it. "Where are you from?"


"Ah, yes, our neighbors to the east." Musara nodded. "Are there many healers yet in Tillek?"

Jezra shook her head. "Not that I've seen."

"What brings you to Karst?"

Jezra shrugged. "The will of the god."

Musara's head snapped over from looking at the fire to regarding the girl. "Messor Vitavi sent you?"

Jezra nodded.

"Did he give you a message?"

Jezra shook her head.

"What are you to do while here?"

Jezra shrugged. "I don't know. He bid me come, so I did. Once I found the crowd around you, he told me to get in line. When the woman was crying on your shoulder, he told me to commend the child to him. Then he told me to go with you."

Musara swallowed. "And what did he tell you to do now? Has he given further instruction?"

"Just that I am to do as you bid."

Musara looked back to the fire, mentally sighing. And so it is back on me, again. Messor Vitavi, great lord, what do you want of us?

She heard a clink, like that of a coin falling. She turned back to the girl, but the girl had not moved. Musara looked at the girl's dusty face and plague-corrupted eye, still slowly seeping blood.

"I still need to heal you," Musara said quietly. As she stood, she asked, "You have the powers to heal—why haven't you healed yourself?"

"Oh," Jezra moved to stand.

Musara gestured at her; "Sit. Relax. It was just a question."

Jezra looked back to the fireplace as the priestess walked around to stand at the back of the chair. The priestess's hands rested lightly on Jezra's shoulders. "I... can't heal myself. The power only works on others."

Musara nodded; "Many have found that to be the case. Now, just relax. Messor Vitavi chose you for today's healing. May you find comfort and peace, knowing he smiles on you today."

Jezra sighed, good eye closing, and she relaxed deeper into the chair.

Musara took in a deep breath, then slowly let it out. Messor Vitavi, our hope and our shield, under my hands is the one you chose for healing. Let your healing power pour over her and wash her of all sickness and disease and injury. Musara closed her eyes against the bright glow emanating from under her hands. Once the warmth accompanying the glow had faded, she pulled her hands away from Jezra's shoulders and once more sat down.

Jezra slowly opened her eye and turned to Musara; her plague-filled eye had sealed over. "Thank you."

Musara reached out and cupped the girl's cheek, thumb brushing over the scar tissue. "Why didn't he heal your eye?" she whispered.

Jezra grabbed Musara's wrist, single eye meeting the priestess's surprised gaze. "Sometimes, we are spared of healing, to remind us of  our need." Jezra blinked, suddenly releasing Musara's wrist. "I'm sorry! I... don't know what came over me. Please forgive me."

Musara placed her hand on Jezra's shoulder. "It's all right. You were answering my question by channeling our lord." She stood. "I think you should try to get some rest, Jez. Your journey probably tired you. Tomorrow, we'll work out a way for you to heal people in a way that's best for them and you." As she walked to the door, she added, "I'll send Tavin to give you a tour of the temple and escort you to your room. You're free to come and go as you like, but please, don't go out of the temple without at least one guard with you."

"Where are you going?" Jezra asked.

"I must consult our god."

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