Chapter 19

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"Well, here we are," Darvin said as they entered the temple. "Back home."

Ivorisa looked around. "Looks just how we left it."

"Yeah," Jez agreed. She sighed. "I thought a journey like that would change me. Make me see things differently. But... I just feel tired."

"Me, too," Ivorisa agreed. "Tired and just... worn out."

"I can't believe he's gone," Darvin added quietly. "What do we do now?"

They all turned and looked at the priestess.

Musara sighed, staring at her feet, tears coursing down her cheeks.

"Musara?" Jez asked quietly. She reached out and gently touched the priestess's shoulder.

Musara looked at them all, blinking through her tears. She whispered, "I don't know." She swallowed and took a shuddering breath, fighting back her sobs. She bowed her head and walked quickly past them, disappearing down the corridor.

"Musara!" Jez called, reaching a hand out to her.

"Let her go, Jez," Darvin said quietly. "She needs some space."

Shouting outside drew their attention. Someone pounded on the door. All of them turned.

Darvin stepped to the door and opened it slowly, peering out at the crowd. Sounds of shouting and singing greeted their ears.

"Praises be to Messor Vitavi!" someone shouted. Other voices joined in the jubilant shouting.

"Excuse me, sir, is High Priestess Musara available?" someone in Lord Arden's livery asked, slipping through the crowd to stand by Darvin. "Lord Arden is requesting her—and all your—presence at tonight's feast. The mountain has returned to its slumber, the sickness has disappeared, and Lord Arden has declared a holiday! We shall give praise to Messor Vitavi for saving us and we shall all celebrate with feasting, dancing, and music! You shall all be honored guests."

Darvin looked back at the others, bewildered.

Jez stepped forward. "All honor and praise belongs to Messor Vitavi, not us. And, yes, we shall come to your feast, and proclaim the goodness of Messor Vitavi and his sacrifice."

Jez, Darvin, and Ivorisa all stepped back outside, looking at the jubilant populace. Jez turned and looked toward the mountain; the bright, angry red glow was gone, and the mountain was capped with black rock that glinted in the sunlight. In the clouds over the mountain shone a rainbow.

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