Chapter 13

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"Why won't he allow you to be healed?" Ivorisa asked as she helped Jez and Musara set up the tent.

Musara shrugged, stepping back from the others as she coughed. She readjusted her hood and face covering before returning. "I don't know, but I'm sure there's a reason." She smiled, though she knew the others could only see her eyes above the cloth covering her face. "It'll be all right. Maybe we'll find him soon, and I can ask him face-to-face."

"I don't know how you can be so cheerful about it," Darvin noted. He stepped over and took the tent flap from Musara, muttering, "Here, let me do that." After he'd stretched the material across the frame, he added, "We've seen Messor Vitavi knit bones, soothe burns, heal an entire city of plague, de-poison wells, and even raise the dead! It's easily within his power to heal you."

Musara shrugged again. "There are many things Messor Vitavi can do. He could force everyone to believe in him and love him. But he won't—he doesn't want forced affection. He gave us free will." She sighed after another coughing fit interrupted her. "I have asked him daily since we left Mar Chennel, and he always says no."

"Maybe," Jez wondered as she straightened from driving in a tent peg, "we're asking the wrong questions..."

"We're almost to Tillek. Should be there tomorrow. Think we'll find Messor Vitavi there?" Ivorisa asked.

Musara smiled again as she sat on a nearby rock, panting slightly. She said softly, "We find him everywhere. He is always with us, even now. After dinner, I will ask if he will make his physical self known to us in Tillek."

"Speaking of dinner," Tavin replied, spreading a cloth on the ground at Musara's feet, "it's ready." He placed four bowls of steaming food on the cloth, handing the fifth to Musara. "Come and eat."

"You shouldn't sit so close to me," Musara objected. "Tavin, move the cloth and the food somewhere else. I don't wish to get the rest of you sick."

"Nonsense," Tavin replied. He sat down on the ground beside the rock on which the priestess sat. "We're travelling as one family—we eat as one family. Besides, we've all been exposed to the same people you have. Not like keeping away from you will change much."

Musara sighed. "Well, none of you seem to be getting sick, so far... But, I still won't sleep in the tent anymore, and you can't convince me otherwise."

"Yes, choose your place to rest after dinner, priestess, and we'll set up your shelter for you," Ivorisa said.

The others gathered around the cloth, sitting on the ground at Musara's feet.

"Thank you, Messor Vitavi, for this bounty," Musara prayed, head bowed over her bowl. "You bring us sustenance, which gives us strength for our journey. May all who partake of it be nourished in body and soul."

They all picked up their bowls and began eating.

"It's amazing, really, Tavin," Darvin said as he spooned another heaping scoop into his mouth. "Our supplies have been low since before we went through Mar Chennel, and yet you still manage to make a full meal every morning and evening."

Tavin smiled. "I've just been getting creative."

Lying in the dark alone, Musara stared out at the plain. Clouds covered the stars and moon, leaving only the barest hint of light to make out vague shapes. The canopy above her rustled; the grasses of the plain rasped together as they waved in the wind.

She curled tighter as another coughing fit set her insides spasming. Gasping for breath once the attack stopped, she slowly uncurled, trying to stretch her aching legs and arms while avoiding putting pressure on the sores growing on her body. She leaned away from the rolled cloak that served as her pillow and spat, cascading blood coating the grasses.

Musara quickly pressed the edge of her sleeve to her nose as it once more began to bleed. She swallowed the rest of the sputum and blood in her mouth as she sat up and leaned forward. Not long now, she thought bleakly, rubbing away at the blood leaking from the corners of her eyes like tears. Once the bleeding starts, there's only a day or two left...

She eased herself back down to the ground, keeping her lips clenched shut against her pained groan. Tears began mingling with the blood as she closed her eyes, seeking the comforting nothingness of sleep. Why, Messor Vitavi? Haven't I done everything you asked? Wasn't I faithful and obedient, even during these trials? After what we endured in Karst, then on the road to all the cities, and how I worked tirelessly for you, why does everyone get healed but me? She choked back a sob as she rolled over, turning her back to the tent where her companions lay. Why?

The grasses rasping softly in the wind gave her no answer.

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