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Knocking sounded on the door. A voice called, "Musara, it's been three days. Please come out of there. Come eat something. Or at least drink something."

Musara raised her bowed head slowly and opened her eyes, regarding the dark room. She drew in a long breath and sighed, then slowly pushed herself off her knees and to her feet. She ambled across the room. Opening the door a crack, she looked up at the person will dull eyes.

She gasped, hands covering over her mouth. "Tavin!"

He smiled at her.

"Y-you're back! But. How? I—I saw. I saw you. Jump."

"I told you I'd never leave you. Come upstairs to the others." He smiled again and disappeared.

Musara blinked, then looked up and down the empty corridor. She looked back into the dark room and saw a single candle, flickering in a slight breeze.

She raised the hem of her robes and ran, leaving the dark room behind.

"I saw him!" Musara shouted as she burst into the communal room.

Darvin and Ivorisa looked up from their cards and stood. Jez dropped her book and jumped off the cushioned bench, running to the priestess.

"You saw him?"


"Is he still here?"

"Yes," a voice said simply. There was a collective gasp as Tavin appeared in the room.

"Messor Vitavi!" Darvin proclaimed. He dropped to his knees, Ivorisa quickly following suit.

"You're really back," Jez whispered. Tears gathered in her eyes as she smiled. She slowly sunk to her knees. "My lord and god!"

Musara stepped closer, then also fell to her knees.

He held out his hands to them. "Stand up. I did not come so you could grovel." He walked over first to Musara, then to the others, drawing them to their feet, speaking as he did so, "I need you to continue to guide my people. You must go out and proclaim my love for all, continuing to draw people closer to me."

"A-are you... here now? To stay?" Musara whispered.

"I never left you." He smiled at each one in turn. A gentle breeze blew through the room and he disappeared. A quiet voice whispered in each of their ears, "Even when you can't see me, I am with you always."

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