Chapter 18

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The wind grew stronger, buffeting him with hot, noxious air. Tavin grimaced, limping forward on burned feet. A stone caught his foot and he stumbled, the sharp rocks cutting into his hands and knees. Gasping against the pain of the cuts and burns, he crawled on, each inhale a searing lungful of hot air. Each breath brought more pain. Even as the hot rocks began burning his legs and hands, he forced himself to crawl on, towards the peak.

The hot air burned into his nostrils and brought with it the smell of his own flesh burning. Tavin groaned and coughed, blood coming up from his burned lungs. He staggered forward, blackened fingers grasping at the rocks, even as they tore into his burned palms.

The glowing chasm at the peak lay just ahead. Lava leapt up, bubbles bursting in cascades of burning rain.

He paused, resting on his knees. He braced his hands on his legs and slowly drew himself to standing, burned feet numb. He stumbled closer until he stood at the lip of the opening, eyes watering against the heat and brightness as he gazed into the fiery pit.

He could still turn back, he knew. Even now, he could heal himself and make his way back down and not take this final step. But, if he withheld this from his people, how much more would his people withhold from him? How could they ever be convinced of his love if he didn't protect them from the darkness looking to destroy their souls?

Taking one final, burning breath, he jumped.

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